Ironforged's picture
  • 86

+ 3 came through


This was a fast international order, paid on the 23rd, shipped on the 26th from overseas and received it today on the 29th. It was wrapped very tight and let y'all know bout the quality

Ordered from: 
manbearpig's picture

Added you bro!

Ironforged's picture


Owes a Review × 1
SuperMax's picture

Very nice+1 for posting.
Sent you friend request.
Bloods came in on the sust. 1500ng/dL
250mg e3d for the last 3 weeks

Juiceee's picture

Nice bag of goodies! Shoot, and I ordered two domestic orders on two days before you and still nothing! Let us know how that Var is man...

Ironforged's picture

Thanks juice, haven ran any yet but everything I've read has been positive so we will see

Owes a Review × 1
guitarplayer1's picture

T/A is amazing with these guys +1

Owes a Review × 1
Ironforged's picture

Yes it is, this was a sample order to see how they rolled, if prices stay like this my cycles just got much cheaper!

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