monsterD996's picture
  • 123

+ 1 powerlifting. still in decent shape


Chest is up!
Bad pic of my back but my delts look good lol
And y'all know my legs already lol but they did grow some 28 inches!! 31in pumped
Was takin last week after last injection Tuesday.
Can't weight to do some work next cycle.
Found out my body really likes food and started growing more
The last few weeks. Was always afraid to eat to much. Used to
Be 28% bodyfat that's why. Lol
But 5000 cals is my sweet spot for growth

BIG BENCH's picture


morph's picture

nice job bro, keep it up!

nitrogains's picture

Great work monster! Upper back mass is kick a$$.

monsterD996's picture

Not my happiest pic lol but it looks alright there's another pic that really shows it
I was to shaky and didn't get my middle and lower back in it. But thanks bro. Smile

P's picture

Rear delts coming through well!

monsterD996's picture

Thanks bro. I never work them directly! Lol I just do low bar squats
For powerlifting and from deadlifting my ass off!

monsterD996's picture

Lol nah I'm good. I hate that shit. Been bodybuilding for 3 years
I'm ready for something new. So been doing powerlifting the past
7 weeks. And fixing to add in some strongman stuff. Like today I was jogging......
With my friends truck with straps on my back. Lol damn intense.
Bodybuilding just gets to bland. I wanna use my muscles not just
Show them off. Ya know. But I will stay symmetrical and lean.

adonis_1's picture

Thats what im talking about! "Big aint' strong... Strong is strong!"

morph's picture

gotta love functional strength, might wana checkout some of the equipment on, my friend rob trains for the crossfit games(natural) and does a ton of functional strength/grip strength exoricses. An easy/effective way to add intensity to you workout might be fatbar grips, they're like 35dollars and work very well!check out the strongman training equipment at rouge though I think you'll like it.

monsterD996's picture

Damn thanks bro! I'll Def look it up!