Gentauni's picture
  • 74

Pharmacom's Test P.


EDIT, this shit ended up crashing on me hard, and wont stay stable to not crash again. I addressed it with homeboy, he requested pictures, then pretty much told me to microwave my shit for 20 minutes or put it in boiling water in a pan for 20 minutes as well... that was his answer... or how about you kiss my ass in which your gear crystallized in which COMPLETELY fuked me up when it did the same in my god dam ass, and ill take your actions as to how you then chose to remedy the situation and pass that info onto my fellow eroiders... ill post up pics

love how there's a letter P on the bottom to help the brewer remember which is which in his legit organized lab huh... dam joke... sorry to bring this to you guys but straight up no one, not you, nor I, plan to order and send these fools our cash for shit that doesn't stay suspended for honestly.... god knows why... is it just over dosed and brewed by a kook calling himself a chemist? Yes I know, shit crashes sometimes, Ive brewed my shit for long enough to know reasons why my gear crashed... and I adjusted accordingly and solved the problem right? well purchasing from a UGL like this, hands down, I just didn't expect it, that's all... and when I told his ass and he asked me for photo's of proof as if I were some chump shit trying to just get a few lousy bottles of free test, pffftttt.... fool I offered to send this trash ass shit back, whats a hundred bucks to me of test, big whoop I tossed that garbage right in the trash without giving two shits less to adjust it my self, why? because that dam letter P on the bottom.... with a dam sharpy lol... what if that shit isnt even prop and that's why its crashing, I DON'T KNOW! but one thing i do know is afte asking me for proof he did jack shit to remedy his flawed gear, but rather suggested I simply microwaved the shit for 20 min. as the solution... so first off what, you just wanted proof for your record that your brewers are fuckin bunk? so you could tell me to microwave it AS IF I WOULDN'T HAVE THAT SHIT ALL OVER MY GOD DAM KITCHEN AFTER FEW MINUTES YOU DAM PRICK... lol didn't even suggest to vent it if I were too but thats not the point, if your going to claim your the biggest and best AND OLDEST SOURCE ON EROIDS, THEN FUCKIN ACT LIKE IT. So my brothers, regardless of your opinion of his gear or past experiences, guess what, im here strictly to grow from all your guys knowledge you provide to the community and insight/info, and im also here to give all mine back to all to look out for yall as well and possibly help others grow as well ALWAYS. I HUG NO TREE, I STAY TRUE TO THE CAUSE, AND THATS MY BRO'S IN HAND HERE. think im an asshole for saying all this? cmon... not even.... think im crying over it, nah, JUST REPORTING ABOUT IT AS ITS MY DUTY, I was only treated like one and that's that... and if i was, why wouldnt you be? i approached the situation respectfully and professionally, I just didnt receive the same in return careful... best of luck to everyone, cheers stay tough.

Ordered from: 
Gentauni's picture

BTW so everyone obviously knows, this post was updated and edited after the gear got comfortable hahah

Gentauni's picture

test P indeed did...

Green Ranger's picture

Good stuff fyi please update your profile stats they are blank, best wishes.

Gentauni's picture

Thanks just started doing that right now lol, is that why I cant post other gear pics? two cats come up lol

Gentauni's picture

Ah! There we go! Thanks brotha!