Badgoat1's picture
  • 240

+ 7 Pack landed


Pack landed from meta 2 primo, 4 test e, 4 Lhard, and 2 mast e. They've been one of my go to sources the last year

Ordered from: 
FiveFingerDeathPunch1's picture

Any pip

In a promo × 1
Badgoat1's picture

A little sting going in on the primo but no pip afterwards

cruznet's picture

I’m not going to lie , the LHard was super tempting to pick up in the promo. Would be nice to see someone post blood work on it. Let us know how you like it!

SeeOhShow's picture

I grabbed some. Should deliver Monday. Gonna immediately switch over to it and then will get bloods. So you’re still looking at 6-8 weeks out for any meaningful info unfortunately.

cruznet's picture

That’s awesome, I look forward to your post. I’m not in a rush. I been wanting to try this mix or a test/deca mix. Making plans for 2026 lol

SeeOhShow's picture

Yea I had been eyeing it ever since Meta popped up. Couldn’t pass up the bogo to give it a chance

Badgoat1's picture

I actually ran it this summer with another blend they notified longer make called B-lean which was 200 test 100 mast and 100 tren e and I looked and felt great. The only thing i might have done was up the test a bit more because I felt with both mast and primo I was crashing my estro after about 6 weeks my joints started aching and my hard ons were a little softer and didn't last as long

cruznet's picture

I appreciate the insight, I’ll keep that in mind if I pick it up in my next order. I was considering running LHard at 2ml per weeks. But you might be right, that may not be enough test. I’m currently on 250 test, 140 primo, 140 mast. Was thinking the LHard would be a good swap.

Badgoat1's picture

The Lhard should keep your ratio the same and if you're not having any issues you should be fine to run it as is. I'm a low estrogen converter so the AI effect of both mast and primo crash me. Most are fine with running as is

cruznet's picture

With my current protocol, my e2 stays in the 40’s. I feel like the LHard will be a perfect fit. I’ll share a td pic when I finally order some. Going to wait on a sale price lol