Finnatobbuff81's picture
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+ 4 OSGear Promo Touchdown


Ordered Pharmacom Labs from OSGear for promo on 1/9 received 1/28 never used ampoules before but they seem pretty easy. Got 2 Tren A, 3 Dbol 100. Was planning on running 0.5cc of Dbol for preworkout. But not sure what to do with rest of oil I won't use from ampoule. Was sent a gift of winstrol tabs also. I originally ordered vials, but was sent these. It was a promo so not complaining. Thanks OSGear

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JakeKO's picture

I’d prefer the amps. Enjoy

Osgear's picture

Thank you for the TD pic and enjoy the products!

Ag4936cali's picture

You've been on a buying spree. Let's be friends.

I've rememberd the fancy brand and unique labels last few post of yours.

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juiceball8082's picture

Get a sterile vial and stash left over oil

SeeOhShow's picture

Just preload the syringes with the dbol. Put the cap back on if using slin pins, or they sell luer lock caps for those kinds of syringes. I fill up 10-12 barrels at time and just screw the cap on. Makes it easy to throw them in the heating blanket to warm up the oil before pinning too. It’s how I travel with gear too. Bunch of loaded barrels with the cap screwed on inside of a small hardback case.

Makwa's picture

Thing with injectable dbol is it is loaded up with solvents. Can eat up a plunger pretty quickly so keep an eye on that if preloading inj orals which typically have a ton of solvents.

SeeOhShow's picture

Add that to the list of why we should stay away from the super solvents. Eating the plunger away lol. The pharmacom injectable dbol actually is super solvent free. Ask @press1 about it.

Finnatobbuff81's picture

I was curious about this too. Since my GK 80mg Dbol crystallizes almost everyday in this cold weather. But this stuff being at 100mg is still perfect. I'd imagine it's full of solvents, keeping it stable

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DeeMan's picture

@SeeOhShow and Finnatobbuff yea I think you guys are right, no way to have 80mg/ml dbol without supersolvents involved. They probably added a bit more solvents or supersolvents to it. Even at 50mg/mL, without supersolvents you'll have issues with crashing. I stay away from any supersolvent.

SeeOhShow's picture

Found his review about it being guaiacol free.

press1's picture

I've been biting my lip trying not to say anything on here about these Amps as I don't want to ruin this guys day, but now this review I did on the Vials has been linked I will share on these Amps as I have them too. These were made fairly recently before the Vials have been reintroduced again, I have run a pack of them and to me they feel empty. I have tried quite a few times to get Janos for them from Pcom asking on another SI and on results posts and so far nothing has materialized. I've not seen any pumps at all, no strength gain, I can tell when I inject Dbol instantly and I get none of that feeling at all with these amps. I am going to try the Vials again to see if they are better as they use to be awesome, they really did. After that review I did 3 years ago the BOL 100 has been off the market and has only just recently appeared again.

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Finnatobbuff81's picture

I've been running Gk's 80 Dbol and got a few friends on it as well. The pumps are insane. So if I run this stuff and don't get anything comparable, i will do a review and let everyone know they are bunk

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press1's picture

I am very interested to see how you find them mate, my Batch number is: PHME00012EA and Mfg Date: 2021-06 and EXP: 2025-06

@Finnatobbuff81 Are your codes the same as mine bud?

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Finnatobbuff81's picture

Finally remembered. That's exactly what mine are also PHME00012EA same exp dates

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press1's picture

I still have all 4 boxes of them in my stash but cannot bring myself to throw it all out as its such a waste Sad

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Finnatobbuff81's picture

I did some new stuff today. Only 25mg and got a great pump. Just solidified the fact that the 100mg is infact bunk. Can't even bring myself to give it to others. But I might make a review now to warn others

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press1's picture

Exactly - off 100mg you would be buzzin your tits off, even if they were only half dosed you would still feel it.

I don't know how its even possible to get them so wrong.

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Finnatobbuff81's picture

I'm away on the road until Friday. I will update once I get back home.

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press1's picture

Have you tried the BOL 100 yet bud?

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press1's picture

No Worries Bud - The Day of RECKONING!! Lol

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SeeOhShow's picture

Well that sucks. Glad you said that because I was getting close to buying some of the vials. Might just stick with the pills instead and not worry about any inj orals

press1's picture

The Vials could be good mate, it could be a bad batch of Amps I got as I think they are all the same number off the top of my head without digging them out. When I get the Vials I will definitely report on them Smile I am hoping they are good because then that means no guaiacol!!! EDIT Dug them out Lol

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Finnatobbuff81's picture

Shit. It would figure I would be wrong. That's good to hear though. Wonder how it stays stable in cold weather. Could it be that it's sealed from air? Like the water concept where it's liquid until you open the cap and turns to ice.

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SeeOhShow's picture

I have no clue what kind of sorcery they’re pulling with it. But it’s the only inj dbol I personally would consider running since it doesn’t have guaiacol. Wish other sources would try to figure out how it’s being done.

DeeMan's picture

You can easily tell by the smell if there is guaiacol in that dbol and if there isn't that doesn't mean there is no EO in those vials...just saying. But at 80-100mg per mL with regular amounts of ba/bb solvents you'd get some crashing and brewers will tell you that...Just saying..

SeeOhShow's picture

Yea I was just hoping for a higher BA/BB amount. Just no super solvents. But maybe you get to a BA/BB amount that is equally harmful

DeeMan's picture

I'm totally with you brother. I would prefer a higher amount of ba/bb than supersolvents. The thing is with higher amounts of ba/bb there is a bit more possible pip and not sure how harmful higher amounts would be, I think less harmful than supersolvents though.

DeeMan's picture

Sorcery I agree lol. With that high mg per mL you will need supersolvents or something additional

Makwa's picture

There are other solvents besides guaiacol. Could be EO, higher BA/BB. But 100mg/ml dbol will not hold without any additional solvents added.

Finnatobbuff81's picture

Thank you for the knowledgeable response. Never even thought about how easier it would be to warm up. Great help

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Bill1976's picture

Pharmacom is always high quality

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