posted Fri, 07/12/2024 - 18:04
+ 36 One year transformation
I know I've posted my most recent pics, post cut cycle. I edited said post and added this before and after that I'm not sure anyone saw, so I'm posting it standalone.
The pic on the left was me July 2023. The left, July 2024. This was my one year, post cancer transformation. This side by side holds special significance to me, as it just inspires me to do more now. To keep pushing beyond!
I'm hoping that it inspires someone else that's tired and feels like they can't do it. You can do it! Just gotta want it bad enough and be willing to hold discipline and be vigilant.
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Great journey my man! Super proud of you I bet all you thought about during your treatments was getting back in the gym and on diet!
Thank you brother! Yeah, you aren't kidding! It was a psychological treacherous year. Lol! Pulled through, now we're stronger for sure!
I had to go through something similar 18 months of chemo - out the gym the whole time - food became friend - gives us plenty of time to strategize!
I had been out of the gym for a few years prior. Stress and depression had wore me down after the unforseen death of my wife. Not long after, I found out about the cancer after waking up one morning and pissing straight blood. Two surgeries and 8 rounds of chemo later, I was ready to roll. Total go mode!
Your right though, definitely alot of time to strategize and reflect. Made that promise to myself though, that if I made it out clear on the other side that I'd get in the best shape of my life and stay that way. I think this go around I've been more disciplined, more determined than I've ever been. Lazer focused and not a chance that anything would get in my way of it. It'll definitely help out things in perspective for ya.
All respect due to you brother! 16 weeks was enough for me. Yeah, I had 2 surgeries to go with it, but 18 months of that shit is no small feat my man! That poison does some crazy shit to your body! I hope I NEVER have to experience that again, and I wish the same for you brother! Much respect!!!
An absolute turn around story for you my brother. The Mrs. Would be completely amazed that you were able to recover from her loss and not only exceed but break through a new ceiling! God is your side you are on the right path. I’ll be keeping an eye on you!
Thank you brother!!! I appreciate ya! Definitely been a rough road, but here I am. We're both stronger from it! Only up from here!
Can’t believe I’m just seeing this, I think I’m out of thumbs up, if so, I’ll make sure I do tomorrow. Great job man, above and beyond what’s realistic. You definitely put the work in!
Thanks brother Drex! I definitely did put that work in! Super disciplined with the diet. I just wanted the guys to see that it can be done if you want it bad enough.
Fucking hell. I'm a year in myself and my results look more natty even tho they are most definitely not lmaoo. Insane, super sayian shit right there. I've gained about 15 lbs lean and dropped roughly 4% bf in a years time. Next year in 2025 I'm shooting to reach 200lbs.
It's all about the diet bro! Diet and cardio. And lots of walking! Brisk paced Walking burns as many calories as jogging, but spares muscle. If your diet is on point, it'll come.
Holy fuck dude. That's a serious transformation. I'm assuming that muscle memory had a part to play here right?
100% on that one brother! I wish I had genetics like that! Lol! Thank you bro
Man boobs to ab veins in just a year is damn impressive!
Thank you bro! Yeah I was tired of that bullshit! Lol
Truly inspiring! looking jacked- first pic you can see you had a good foundation and the second pic you look like a beast
Thanks bro! I did have a foundation but hadn't lifted in years. It was a rough beginning but once it started to come back, it was a straight push to the pic on the right. Just about how bad you want it and I was hungry. Lol!
fucking jacked bro
Appreciate it bro!
Hey bro my tits looks just like yours on the left,how did you lose the fat around them? Thanks
Honestly brother, diet, lifting and cardio. Lots of cardio! My job calls for me to do a ton of walking. I literally do zero cardio in the gym, as my job had me walking for hours at a time. I just capitalize on that by walking at a brisk pace. Diet is the main ingredient in the equation. There's literally no way around it. I took my diet more seriously than I've ever in my life this time around. I only lifted once a week for chest, so it wasn't from that. If ya wanna friend request me, we can talk more about that. I'm always willing to help a brother out. You can do it though bro! I NEVER thought I'd get rid of that but it's so doable bro! I got you! Fr me
Love it, you’re a warrior … respect
Appreciate ya big dog!
This is legendary
Thank you bro!
Speechless bro. RESPECT
Thanks brother Sparta!
Jesus leave some gains for the rest of us! Keep hammering man.
Ty brother! Appreciate ya!
Amazing brother that's what happens when you train right eat right and have real good gear which gk is on that list how much weight did you gain bc it looks like you took everything you had and got shredded may I ask what was your cycle?
Thank you brother! Appreciate it! Definitely takes hard work and commitment. I was actually only 203 in that pic from last year. I recomped and got myself up to a lean 235, went on cruise in a deficit for some months. Going into the cut, I was 222 at like 10 percent roughly. That cut I put myself into a serious deficit, just cycling with a reset day once a week. I started out on GK cutter, but after some weeks my body was reacting pretty harshly to it, so I dropped the cutter and ran his DHB with test prop at 525/wk. So, a ml and a half EOD. I had already added it to the cutter protocol but at a lower dose. Once I dropped the cutter, I bumped up to that dose and held it till I was done.
This is definitely the leanest I've ever been, but that was the point. I landed at 215lbs when all was said and done. Not sure what the bf is at, but I'm sure it's sub 10 judging by the striations. I appreciate the acknowledgement brother! It's been a hell of a journey, but so worth it in the end.
Thumbs up bro I sent you a FR so what do you plan on doing from here with still good at least 4!months till the end of fall? And if I had to guess brotha your old picture you were definitely in the 15-20% range but now if I had to guess id say your right around 10% maybe a lil lower bc you do have some nice striations and ripped arms. Now that's a new years resolution most ppl will never look like you now and you did it in a year that's really awesome bro you gotta be really driven to cut down like you did total respect bro keep it up!
I appreciate it brother! It definitely took some determination and drive. But again, it's about how bad you want it. That's the key point to take from it, if you want it bad enough and are willing to push yourself no matter how much you feel you can't... You can! I'm living proof of that
Awesome transformation. Amazing work in one year bro. Keep pushing.
Appreciate ya Mac! Means alot coming from you! Just hoping to inspire someone else. That's what we do here
Exactly that. It’s a hard, slow marathon for us older guys. Lot more factors to consider with age/health and your killing it. Keeps my motivation going to see the progress
Thanks Mac!
Ripped, good job brother
Ty brother
Great job bud +1
Appreciate it bro!
Solid AF bro
Ty bro!
Great results brother! Keep it going
Ty appreciate ya!
Awesome transformation buddy keep pushing
Absolutely! Thank you bro!
Let's fuckin go brah
Thank you brother man!