D-FitGuy's picture
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+ 1 NEXTDAYGEAR.COM -- Nandralone Decanoate & Syringe


Here is the picture. I'm new and didn't know I needed to delete the EXIF data the first time.

1 Bottle of Nadralone Decanoate 300mg; otherwise known as DECCA
1 23gg 1-1/2 3ml syringe

justaguy's picture


runtherabbit's picture

Hopefully you have more syringes than that for your cycle.

BeastMoDe33's picture

Deca and what else bro? I recommend some test or sustanon. Sciroxx is a good lab if it's a legit source your buying it from. Good luck

Bigdawg201067's picture

what are you running this with? Hopefully test, thanks for loading the pics bro.