Mekanik's picture
  • 54

My Pregnancy Test Results attached (Kigtropin)


I used a pregnancy test / name brand purchased from Walgreen's and performed the test.
I used a full vial w/ 10 i.u.'s of Bac water after mixed. Then used the syringe to pour over the test stick. The before picture and after picture are attached.
It seems this is a test to determine whether it is HCG. That is what I have read anyway. You can comment and decide for yourself. I just present the facts as I know them :)...

The manufacture date of the Kigtropin from E-Health is 7/15/2011. I am currently using 2.5 i.u.'s at 6 days a week for approximately 3 weeks now.

Galenika's picture

I am planning to buy the Kigtropin me too. Is this hgh working for you?

Mekanik's picture

only 3 weeks in.. some here have been on this longer and I would defer to them.

dstrbdone's picture

so u wasted a perfectly good bottle of hgh??? for what reason?? i believe u r misinformed u use a pregnancy test for hcg to see if its legit!! why on gods green earth would u waste hgh by testing it on a pregnancy test LMFAO THAT WAS DUMB!! and even if u proved its not hcg u DID NOT prove its hgh!! WTF!! are u sure you know what ur doing sounds like your a bit inexperienced!!

Mekanik's picture

you nailed it - my next planned post:

How I flushed a vial of Test Cyp just to see if oil was thicker than water...

I'll let you know! Smile

renorob's picture

Is it a boy or girl ? LOL ! Just kidding bro .

Mekanik's picture

yep' lol

funny thing is I bought this thing at the Walgreen's I go to all the time to pick up random stuff and was thinking ( 45 year old guy ) what the hell am I doing ??
I just poneyed up my greenbacks and put em down with a line of people and all, same cashier I see every week.

My wife will probably hear about this and pop quiz me.

I must be nervous w/ this thing in my house and two teenage daughters!
I am in my home office this am and holding my cell phone while reading an e-mail I go to sit down in my chair and miss the chair.. my chair flies back and knocks the trashcan down w/ the test kit in it and all my ancillary crap from pinning.
Chair and trashcan behind me goes flying and my wife comes in here to see what the hell happened.

I just picked it all up in time...

renorob's picture

LOL ! Man that was close !

Mekanik's picture

purchase was HGH...

GiGaNtE's picture

No bro the test is negative. It's not hcg but that doesnt prove that is indeed hgh.

killinit88's picture

ha ya but i would not waste a vial of hgh to prove that.