whitechocolate's picture
  • 276

my cholesterol ??


With cholesterol like this think I be alright to run small test p cycle like 100eod 75 maybe even? I know test can help cholesterol levels also..

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hollywoodham's picture

testosterone can help cholesterol only if your not taking it at a dosage that will cause your testosterone to be above natural production levels.

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inzer777's picture

Well brother I cant give you medical advice, but here are my recent results at 33 yrs old. i was recently put on cholesterol med. I have 13 years AS use under my belt. Your triglycerides are of only real concern to me in your blood work. Everything else that is High is border line high. Test P might raise your cholesterol and/or triglyceride levels. Can you tell us you stats? what does the doc contribute this too? Remember there is way more to heart health then these tests, dr's wont tell you that, but blood enzymes make a difference too. A person with thin blood and high cholesterol may never have a heart attack and someone who lacks certain blood enzyme may have thicker blood with lower test levels may have a heart attack or stroke. it's hard to say. SEE MY RESULTS BELOW

-Lipid Profile


131 mg/dl (< 150 )

-Lipid Profile


205 mg/dl (< 200 )

-Lipid Profile


27 mg/dl (>/= 40 )

-Lipid Profile


152 mg/dl ()

-Lipid Profile


178 mg/dL ()

-Lipid Profile


7.59 ()

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whitechocolate's picture

Also I do have family history of heart attacks my dad has had two his first one was at 44 I think which is prettt young..

whitechocolate's picture

Yah I hear ya man I gotta still do some tweaking to my diet and I should probably actually go to a doc I usually jus get blood tests to check stuff even though I really want to go back on for another run I should probably wait till I get this more under control .. appreciate the response so now that ur on cholesterol meds u prolly cant cycle anymore or what?

inzer777's picture

Many guys still run AS while on Statins as far as I know its ok to do. Also remember that progressive research is showing our genetic makeup is a greater attributer to high cholesterol then we once thought. my point is it may always be an issue for you. how old are you? height/weight/ bodyfat? cycle history

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whitechocolate's picture

6 ft 200 pds prolly 18% I know I need to lean up.. im 29 iv ran a few phs and one test e cycle 500 a week so far

inzer777's picture

I think most guys would agree the PH's are way worse for your cholesterol then the Test E. PHs treat your body like garbage bro. my advice. see a doctor. get redrawn on the blood test ask him to do a full lipid panel, in addition ask him to do a CMP testing your liver and kidneys. You are not exempt from cycling again imo

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whitechocolate's picture

Yah il havta do that but don't say I cant cycle anymore lol

inzer777's picture

no im saying you are not exempt..meaning you prob will be able to cycle again imo

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whitechocolate's picture

Need some advice. .