CBBurrr's picture
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+ 8 mid cycle labs


Here's my latest mid cycle bloods. Looks like I will be driving to a blood bank this week.
I've given blood every 8 weeks for the last year, and gave blood about 10 weeks before these labs were done.
At that time my hemoglobin was at 16, and blood pressure was good.
I live at a very high altitude, and struggle with the RBC control. I drank about a liter of water before getting these bloods done, but was probably still a little dehydrated.
I would have donated a couple weeks before these tests were done, but was fighting a nasty cold and did not want to donate.
You can see from my other bloods that this is pretty typical for me, and I'm able to get back in range between cycles.
I believe I will take a baby aspirin, chug the fluids, and donate another 500ml of blood.

Removed Page with test serum level due to unverified SRC. Will post it after he's verified.

I used to have high cholesterol, but have not had it for a few years now. I've been eating 3 eggs a day too.
This was the first time I checked thyroid function, just to get a baseline.

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CBBurrr's picture

I bled out another 500ml today. My hemoglobin had climbed to 19, according to the finger prick test.
I'm thinking about donating again in 5 weeks, and not waiting the full 8 weeks.
Is there anything that should prevent me from donating after only 5 weeks?

vhman's picture

Keep up the great work!


CBBurrr's picture

have an appointment for tomorrow. Will drop off 500ml
Don't want to go stroking out or anything

humpnpump's picture
  • 1 nice job. I will be donating tomorrow.
In a promo × 1
j1980's picture

Labs look good. I like how high your free test is!

MegaT883's picture

You've come a long way CB. If anyone needs to know the in's and out's of donating blood CB is your guy. Want to know how elevation effects blood count ask CB he knows. Bloods look good +1

BeastMode5085's picture

Good stuff Cbbur! Take it from a guy w thyroid issues, that 2.5 tsh is beautiful! Good numbers over all +1