Gorillafit's picture
  • 1.3k

+ 2 MassRoids 2013/2014 EBC Bulking Prizes


Some Kalpa Pharma Proviron and Halo!
Man its gonna feel great getting back on the road to 300Lbs.
Now I just need a part time job to pay for the food! LOL ;-P
Thanks MassRoids!

Ordered from: 
Sumatra_Triangle's picture

get a job in a kitchen. You will get to eat LOL

Gorillafit's picture

I don't think customers would like only getting half a steak? LOL ;-P

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

man whenever a salmon gets over cooked I devour it

massroids's picture

Thanks for posting bro, nice pic.

Gorillafit's picture

Your Very Welcome!
I really appreciate the prizes and your support of the EBCs!

WINNING's picture

Damn Gfit +1, I've never tried halo myself.

Gorillafit's picture

Halo is a lil more aggressive on the liver, and your lifts! I always run liver protection on heavy orals.
Halo got me that last 15lbs to hit a 300lb bench last year within a week!

bigJOHNstud's picture

how is the proviron on your hair? i ran it last cycle and i seem to have hastened my hair loss.

Gorillafit's picture

I haven't had an issue that I'm aware of. I don't have any issues with 19nors either though!

Gorillafit's picture

Thanks Rusty! You running in the next EBC still?