posted Sun, 08/11/2024 - 21:25
+ 6 Little baby product test order
Wanted to check kits oil and oral line. TA was super quick - just a few days. Labels are looking tight and professional. Pills are tinyyyyy but shouldn’t be a problem dividing in quarters, as long as they don’t crumble. I’ll keep y’all updated.
Ordered from:
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- 6
- 0
That yellow bird!!!!!
Did ya miss me?
Yep...Yellow birds are rare lol
Bold of you to assume my color!
Lol....I know a yellow bird when I see one!
With the 50mg DBol tabs I would either half them to keep BP more stable or just take a full one, if you plan on taking it ED then they don't need to be spread throughout the day. The Half life of DBol is around 8 hours, so then if you multiply that by 5 then that gives you the total amount of time it stays active in the blood = 40 hours. So if you take them every 24 hours at the same time of day then you end up getting overlap anyway and the hormone builds up the same as an oil does which is why they begin to take good effect after about 3 doses.
Yes sir Mr Press1, Lady Di in the house!!!! Personally, I’m going single dose on training days, split dose on rest days. Wonderful medicine she is, mood elevation, strength, recovery, sex drive, and the gift that keeps on giving… e2
BysandtrysNever tried dbol personally
but reading about the 17α-methylestradiol makes it seem less ideal than just using more test.
It's more resistant to metabolism and probably has some liver toxicity.
Anadrol seems like a much better option lol
Anadrol makes me feel like shit. Dbol makes me feel like a fuckin’ stud. I’d take dbol over anadrol any day.
BysandtrysFavorite oral compound?
Might one day give it a try and see what it's all about lol.
I actually liked stacking Var with Tbol
20/30mg each is a good dose, can probably go higher.
Favorite oral is either dbol or tbol. Leaning more towards dbol. When I take an oral, I want to feel that shit! The strength, size, and sense of wellbeing on dbol is unmatched in my experience. Tbol is great because of the less bloating and side effects, but with that comes less front effects lol.
TBol is like getting a Pornstar for the night without doing her in the Arse (or having her do you in the ass) - still fun but not the proper experience.
Hahahaha a whore that doesn't do anal? She must be a saint then.
Flawless victory
Turn up the volume
LOL Thats gonna hurt .....
Dbol is what psych med should be
Hell yeah! Give some schizophrenic psychopath superhuman strength! Have you seen the movie Split?
Lmao bro, naw man not for the truly insane. I have seen people consider self prescribing it low dose to themselves instead whatever medication their psych doctor has them on.
I personally know two people who have dropped off psych meds after starting TRT
No, lol, I haven’t seen that move. I’m guessing it’s split personalities?
Yeah man, it’s the Unbreakable trilogy with Bruce Willis. It goes Unbreakable, Glass, then Split. Check them all out if you haven’t yet. And yeah, that mfer is schizophrenic or something and is a fucking beast lol. That’s what I thought about when you said psych meds.
And TRT is amazing for mental health benefits. It really can help with depression, anxiety, mood swings, and exhaustion (and plenty of other things). My therapist (an older woman) agreed with me and convinced my wife to be okay with me getting back on TRT years ago. I’m a recovered alcoholic/drug addict and it (and training of course) helps tremendously with recovery. Relieves stress and curbs cravings. And dbol puts me on cloud 9!
Oh ok, I’m not movie/tv person tbh so doubtful I’ll ever watch it. Sounds cool though
Yeah, there’s a strong element of recovery on Eroids. Respect and congratulations to you on yours. I love hearing that from my brothers it never gets old to me. There’s quite a few of us here, more the average success rate in addiction. I believe there’s something to be said for this lifestyle that we live and getting and staying clean
Why would you stack Anavar with Tbol?
LMAO Great one!!!
BysandtrysThats also one of the brand names for dianabol lol
Fine, boom…. Tanavar™
has a nice ring to it
I concede
Damn - how did you do that???!!
You just have to apply and file for a trademark. You can do that online
LOL I meant how did you get the little TM to show on here?!
Lmao, just fucking with you Press. PM sent. Game is to be sold not told
Shit Bro - You being Dry Ass with me now eh??! I am going to have to add you to the list of Americans gaining some British Wit LMFAO!!!!
'Sold Not Told' - Classic ...
Sure bro, if that’s the case… there is a very good argument for using test over every other steroid.
If that’s not the case…. then dbol has a longer track record than any other synthetic steroid and is one of the most beloved in history. From 1960 Olympic Games, the Golden Age of Bodybuilding, and on through to this very day.
We don’t wtf DHB is gonna do long term but we do know that Arnie popped dbol by the handful without aromatase inhibitors, organ protective ancillary supplementation, and yet he walks the earth today
Dbol’s fuckng awesome so is Adrol, they both have their pros and cons. I’ve ran them both and pulled in range alt/ast health markers with proper support. Sometimes dbols e2 extravaganza is welcome, sometimes it’s not, but if you cannot manage it, then you shouldn’t be running it. The same goes for adrol, the BP issues and heaven forbid the mystery gyno are not for rookies. Both compounds can help you break through plateaus in ways that testosterone cannot.
BysandtrysAgree, some individuals probably have a really nice response to dbol.
I just did a little trial run with dhb myself.
Had a really good response with sprinlking in some Adrol also.
Wouldnt go off of just alt/ast for liver function tho especially if you train a lot.
GGT is a good marker,
and occasional liver organ imaging would be ideal.
I don’t just go off of ALT/AST, that’s a marker most commonly understood by individuals, I used it as an example. My argument was in general about dbol not a paper on hepatology
Although, with that said…. You are absolutely 100% correct
Watch that 12 minute video and tell me honestly how you feel about experimenting with DHB as compared to dbol. Probably just better off running more testosterone lmao jk bro. I appreciate and respect the spirited conversation
BysandtrysYea I saw that.
Have you ever tried it?
Most of the intelligent YouTube educators seem to recommend against it.
I never thought I'd even consider it but so many people here have been hyping it up quite a bit lol.
I ran about 250mg for 4 weeks.
Finished up yesterday.
Will see how it affected bloodwork within the next few weeks
Yes, I have used it. I ran about 2g at 300mg per week, same as you, to assess tolerance. I did this at the end of my last cycle. Nothing remarkable to report other than pip. I was set to run it for real this cycle but then Steve’s video came out, scared the shit out of me and I pulled the plug. I have five vials of it in my stash.
BysandtrysYea it was nothing crazy but also definitely some noticible effects.
My BF is very low at the moment so I notice the cosmetic effects very quickly.
I also have another 7 vials of the DHB, so might still give it a real run on a future cycle.
Will play it safe,
I still have yet to run primo
Have a stock pile of over 15 vials
Was my initial plan to use for next cycle but
The DHB experiment delayed it lol.
Yeah, if you’re one of these sub 10% guys, I can imagine what these compounds do to your physique. You notice everything.
I just gotta go by how I feel, how strong I am, the scale and then cross my fingers and hope I’m not just getting fatter lmao
Cool you can have my 5 vials of DHB for 5 vials of test. Then, you can run 500mg for 24 weeks and mutate. Make sure you do imaging on your liver before and after for the sake of science! lol
Now fucking primo, fuck primo. That compound is a literal and figurative pain in the ass for me. 3:2 Test/Primo puts me in the upper end of the E2 reference range.
That’s what you should run next imo, gotta find out if she’s right for you. If she is, you’re good. Well, as long as you have a bunch of money
Yeah definitely not enough solid evidence on dhb I agree. You know my stance on it.
Not wanting to fuck around and find out. Not that serious to me, I’m not making any money off my physique. As long I fill out my shirts and look good in group photos I’m happy
Good point my man..good point
I just took group photo btw, guess who was the biggest one? Not tallest, biggest lol
I just saw this comment right now. Cool
lol, yeah and our group shots get around
Dirty DiaNNAAAA ------ BOLLL!!!!
I've started using it pre workout again in tablet form and 30mg defo seems to be the best amount, any more and the BP hike messes with training and the e2 spike can make you feel a bit lazy and shitty. 2 hours pre training and then tonnes of dextrose and hydration afterwards. It always makes music sound better too when you are out for a drive LMAO On rest days I tend to use 40mg.
Yeah, I've been leaning towards the tablets myself. The lesser of two evils imo. 30mg is definitely a sweet spot, agreed. I just started my cycle and I’ve been tempted to use a little dirty Diana but I think I’m gonna wait until I actually need it. Right now I’m just regaining lost ground