JintoBold's picture
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+ 9 IGF1 and Serum results (brown top hyge)


This is a bit of a shit show.Here is the cycle.
250mcg cjc w/dac and 250mcg Fragment inject once daily pre workout 5 pm
5 iu's brown top hyge (they are labeled .cn but they aren't verifiable) split dosing 5am and post workout
She was dam close to 3.5 hours prior to test with an injection of 7.5 iu's(took her normal 2.5 that morning)
Labs were drawn 4 weeks in.This cycle will be complete at 6 weeks total.Then iu's will drop to 2 iu daily and fragment will remain preworkout.Cjc dac will be removed
The complaints she has had is swelling in hands and some joint pain and lethargy.Overall she does NOT like how she feels.The dosing on the cjc dac she does find to be much more tolerable then taking larger less frequent dosing.
Overall I am happy with the results because she is happy with the results.As far as people saying that GH products take a long time to work,i am going to have to disagree.In regards to the antiaging properties they are subtle and occur over time but when we spike cycles like this we have found a decent increase in lean mass and fat loss.It is also very manageable gains.She complains that she feels old outside the gym when taking doses like this.However,inside the gym she loves the high endurance and strength.She also gets results!
Since finding a solid ,cheap and convenient lab testing source we will continue to use products and test.I will be posting labs for my current cycle.I will also be taking MK-677 and doing labs.My goal is to find out not only the quality of the products but how they synergize.I believe the cjc dac is definitely factoring in as a positive with the GH.i am not sure if this is helpful to anyone or not.if anyone has any input or suggestions for me please let me know.

Side note.I have a friend using the same browns.his serum came back lower .The protocol was similar only no cjc dac BUT his timing on the injection wasn't as close to 3.5 hours.Another member gave me some insight on that which explained it.

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Theonslaught's picture

And. If it will effect your gh.

I was told to use short acting peps.

Cjc no dac instead of dac while on hgh

EagerToLearn's picture

Yeah I am gonna pull bloods on geo´s MK and CJC on Friday Smile

konig's picture

Good results.. I would like to know where you got those brown .cn's from though? +1

gorillafit28's picture

Hell yea bro that got I got a bunch of em +1

irongame427's picture

damnn nice results. I need a good generic to add to my pharm grade.

SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture

Cjc dac can elevate igf quit a bit. On another forum a guy was running cjc dac and got pretty high igf off just that. Can't remember exact numbers 10-15 mg dac per week igf was like 500-600 I think. Pretty crazy what some of these peptides do tho. +1 looking forward to the mk test also

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EagerToLearn's picture

+1 Very interested in your labs with the MK-677.