dnell1983's picture
  • 45

+ 5 Hyges blood IGF keeps going up


Batch number 20130601.been on 5 iu for a while and it keeps climbing higher.

Ordered from: 
j223's picture

these are from winwin's green tops?

dnell1983's picture

Yeah they were.

j223's picture

Cool I'm using them 4iu/day and my hands are numb as fuck!! Some strong growth I like it

dnell1983's picture

Been on winwinpharm for about a 20 days. Before that I was getting them locally.i was pretty much paying the same for a 100 kit that I could get 200 for at winwinpharm.

dnell1983's picture


killroy's picture


Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 2
manbearpig's picture


konig's picture

Holy hell that's a high number! Good shit bro

HailRazor's picture

Wow. +1 for the labs.

dnell1983's picture

Just trying to be like you guys my dude.i get bloods done all the time why not share them. I will be igf onnce every 6 weeks.

bigjrock's picture

Nice. I got a question for you. Im gonna pm you. fr sent

dnell1983's picture

Request accepted my nikkah fire away with any questions dog

bigfella's picture

hi dnell , what colour tops on hyges ?

dnell1983's picture

Green my dude

dnell1983's picture

Always on my pms