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Hulkman9920 Picture issues for summer EBC


Here are the facts:
I submitted my profile a couple hours before the EBC deadline! I uploaded my first pic with the USA Today on July 5th around 10:00 P.M. Eastern Time. After the first pic that was uploaded I accidently submitted the profile when I went back to add the pictures it wouldn't allow me to do so. The only option available was to upload my after contest pictures which basically fucked me. My account was deleted three days later and with out any explanation to why it was deleted or response to my questions. After Emailing SexyMexy about the situtaion he claims he foreward my email to BFG, which I also messaged but have yet to recieve a response. The diet and training are going very well, I just want the same chance to win as everyone else, obvously you can tell from the pictures that I was on time and have no intentions to cheat anyone out of what they deserve.

The only reason I'm making a big fucking deal about this is because I have good people backing me that sent me a shit ton of gear and don't want them to lose out and feel like they were taken advantage of, with out these amazing individuals I wouldn't have had the opportunity to compete. Secondly, for my brothers and sisters that may be honest good people who experience this same dilema.

Much love,

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hulkman9920's picture

Thanks Rustyhooker, I believe that is the right advice! I will still continue to blaze a path but will wait to use the gear until the next round. Can you plz tell me how you find out about the EBC in advance?
I seem to find out about them after 10 or 12 individuals already have submitted.
Thanks for the response!

hulkman9920's picture

Thanks Bra, I def will be my friend! Keep up the amazing work in the current EBC, drop some bombs and hopefully take some of that lovely gear as a reward! Good luck to you sir!!

hulkman9920's picture

thanks brotha, knoledge is power!

bunlength's picture

I realize none of this is my business, but I feel compelled to give my two cents. All I have to say is I really enjoy coming to this website because we are a fraternity of people that have a common goal and common interest. That being said, I view people here as friends and this post bothered me because you could have gotten your point across in a much more respectful way. Obviously you are upset and if you feel like you have been wronged or ignored you have every right to be. However, the moment you start swearing while singling out people in an open forum it is going to illicit nothing but negative feedback from the people you hope will mend your issue. Let's just always talk to one another with respect, especially when upset. It will go alot further.

hulkman9920's picture

Thanks Bunlength for your advice, It wasn't my intention to slam or single out any member! I suppose I was caught up in the moment especially because I felt ignored, I know that the other path would of been better for myself and the community. What can I say I'm half human after
Thanks for reading what I had to say and the comment is appreciated.

hulkman9920's picture

SIr I am not trying to upset you, I do believe you did indeed foreward the message! I appologize if I used the wrong wording. Secondly, if the window was open for another 12 hours then maybe there was another technical error.

There are multiple reasons why I waited until the last minute, It took me days to get my hands on a USA Today!!!! Secondly, I had a sponser lined up and they had issues with inventory so, I had to take an entire week to find a couple generous donors. Again I appologize if you thought I was questioning your integrity, I was not!

Thanks for your help, I'm dissapointed on how this all worked out, have a great day!!

hulkman9920's picture

Done Sir!,

Nice Lookin