MASSIVE48's picture
  • 301

+ 1 GymChemist Accutane Lands!


Hell yeah the signature Accutane Gymchemist sent me landed in just about 8 bussines days from WAAAY on the other side of the pond!
Everything looks verry proffesional and i cant wait to try this sig accutane and get rid of my acne once n for all! Will give a full review in a few weeks or so.


hoagie_m's picture

Brambo1 has good advice... you don't need much accutane at all.

I used to use small doses throughout heavy test cycles to keep zits at bay. I forgot exactly how much I used... but it was not much at all. I want to say maybe 10mg every few days?

It's super strong shit and just a little bit will keep your skin clear w/ out all the nasty side effects if you take full dosages. If you don't have acne while off cycle then just a small maintenance dosage is needed while on.

MASSIVE48's picture

Good lookin out bro i'll
Deff look that up!... I already take immediate shits after i eat so im used to that. LOL!

MASSIVE48's picture

Anybody on accutane right now?
If so what are the side effects i should be expecting?

Bozdawg's picture

I'm on it at the moment as my acne started going nuts as I was coming off my last cycle- same happened before so I was prepared with accutane this time. I have been using 20mg daily but I feel I can drop down to 10mg daily now. The side effects I have are chapped lips, which aren't that bad and the acne has cleared up- some of my skin is a tad dry also. Way better than dealing with acne any day!

aussiedan's picture

Eventually you want to drop down to the lowest you can get away with. I'm on 5mg EOD. Never went over 5mg a day through any cycle, just never saw the need and I'm still 100% clear.

MASSIVE48's picture

I guess it depends on how bad your acne was to begin with right?

aussiedan's picture

Bro my acne was soo terrible on my face it wad affecting my confidence and self esteem, and this was even off cycle! Tried antibiotics, otc creams and peroxides nothing worked. Then I started 5mg of accutane a day at the start of a test e cycle. By about week 6-7 I was completely clear on my face and the rest of my body. I stop taking accutane after pct and acne doesn't return which is great!

MASSIVE48's picture

Wow that just sounds awesome bro...good to