Big Tone36's picture
Big Tone36
  • 2.8k

+ 2 Golden Dragon Test suspension


Grabbed a few more bottles of test suspension, Golden Dragon very good quality, like everything else CD carries.

Ordered from: 
Jonwiggs8's picture

How do you like that stuff? It's in and out of you quickly put it is STRONG!!! I have a love/hate relationship with Test Suspension and Winstrol. They both work better when injected, but they both tend to hurt like hell, especially the Test Suspension.

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Big Tone36's picture

I love test suspension too, forever I've always loved it and it's hard to get these days, I've shot plenty of veterinarian grade and that had more pip then these brands. I've been doing daily injections for about 25 days and it's not that bad at all. I've even had the balls to site my rear triceps, biceps and quads. Shoulder shots feel the best no pip

23Sparta's picture

That’s a top shelf pick up right there

Ccacc's picture

Yes it sure is, thinking I might go find myself something special at Doser Lakes today after my 49ers win.

23Sparta's picture

Well let’s go then 9ers!!!!! My bro Ccacc needs a new pair of shoes!

Ccacc's picture

That’s a gem I haven’t seen anyone get. Big bro always on the move.. good luck man..

Big Tone36's picture

Good stuff. I love test suspension. I've been site injecting it, I think it helps localized growth