ONESICK's picture
  • 418

+ 4 GK Goodies


I owe you GK. Been outta town for the last week or so. I ordered on the 29th and touched down on the 3rd. Considering it was between the holidays I'm not a baby about delivery times, came in hot.
Even when I fucked up my order he was super responsive and hooked it up with the Test E. Not going to run for a bit until I get dialed in but I couldn't wait to get the goods.

Testosterone Enanthate 250 x 1
Primobolan 200 x 1
NPP 100 x 2

Ordered from: 
androq's picture

Let us know how the Primo is. That's a great price for Primo 200!!!

Owes a Review × 1
ONESICK's picture

Definitely will, I cant wait to run.

boz645's picture

Nice!! He's a hell of guy. +1

Owes a Review × 1
Gorillakingz's picture


ONESICK's picture

No problem, definitely getting more soon.

Diesel22's picture

I’m just finishing up a cycle that I’m using GK’s npp.
I can vouch for it. It’s definitely smooth and quality.
Good luck

ONESICK's picture

Will do