Big Tone36's picture
Big Tone36
  • 2.8k

+ 8 GK


A few things, going to bump things up a level this cycle. So far my y digestion has been good after 4 weeks, hoping it'll stay that way. Looking juiced out again already. Full as a house.
Thanks GK for the fast t/a

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Mac12769's picture

Nice little mix there bro. Ok

thahulk2014's picture

I 2nd that. Nice!

Big Tone36's picture

Yea buddy, I always love when you make comments, I have to click on your name to make the picture bigger. No disrespect but those are great and a great tribute to GK

Mac12769's picture

No disrespect taken ever. I go to bed and wake up to those in my face …… hard to go to work sometimes. Lol
I understand.

SeeOhShow's picture

Does your wife sleep with any clothes on? Mine doesn’t….only socks. And it’s not because she’s trying to do stuff every night that’s just how she sleeps. It’s like constantly dangling a carrot in front of a starving horse…

Don’t get mad at me for attempting to molest you every night when you’re getting in the bed naked. Getting in bed naked means one thing and one thing only in a man’s eyes

Sithx66's picture

I struggle with that shit too. It’s actually pretty fuckin frustrating. I also try to grab her at night. She just recently brought this up bc she’s like wtf have you been dreaming about lmao. It sucks bc as I am diving into this world she just got diagnosed with pcos. Her sex drive is practically non existent as of lately. We like females for third and I had to let her know I can’t do that shit right now bc I find myself wanting them.

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Mac12769's picture

She usually sleeps in a little T-shirt and thong. We have early hours, so often times someone goes to bed first. If we play before, then she’ll just sleep naked for the night.
But to drive me nuts, she’ll go to bed early and totally naked. I come to bed, pull covers back and bam……..I can’t not touch that Lol
You get the picture.

Big Tone36's picture

Being I take Cialis every few day and wake up with raging boners throughout the entire night, if my wife was naked I'd be sliding up in there. You fks are lucky. It used to be like that the first few years of marriage but 13 years down the road, things change unfortunately

SeeOhShow's picture

Oh don’t call me lucky. I get rejected way more often than I succeed. But dammit if I’m not gonna try every night if she’s butt ass naked next to me…
She claims I even attempt to do stuff in my sleep. In the morning I’ll get this look and she’s like “you remember what you tried doing last night?”
And I have zero recollection of trying anything. I’m on AAS induced autopilot at that point.

We’ve only been married for 5 years but we’re elementary school sweethearts….so that’s basically like being married for 20+ right? Hell we’ve been living together for 15. We did things like buy a house together and getting squared away financially before getting married, since it was all out of our pockets with parents not paying for it.

Mac12769's picture

Oh I do that too, asleep or not. Lol
She doesn’t care.
2nd wife. 9 yrs. I don’t deserve her.

smurfdude1234567's picture

Nice order!

I’m always jealous of you lucky ducks who can get away with DHB. The inflammation is too much for me and my immune system. My liver values are mg for mg worse than even on tren and I end up looking like red hulk while feeling terrible pretty quickly, but I’ve seen it be super successful for tons of people! There is no denying the insane strength output!

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SeeOhShow's picture

Man that really does suck. A cardio session raises my liver enzymes more than DHB does (aka none at all). Crazy how different everyone’s reaction to compounds can be.

Big Tone36's picture

This batch is painless. I took 2ml on the ass cheek yesterday and it's not even sore. GK makes the best

Legion of Doom's picture

Man I miss those humco orals might have to try some again one day, nice order bigtone those are some beautiful oils also.

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Big Tone36's picture

Yea very nice. Professionally put together. I like these tall slim vials filled to the brim. Gotta be 13cc in there

Mikeyt84L.I..N.Y.'s picture

Oral winny and adrol. Love that combo. Retart strength. Gotta love it.

Big Tone36's picture

It's my favorite combo 50mg of each daily. Strong as a ox

Bloxioh's picture

How the f do you keep cholesterol in line with running both orals at 50mg each

Big Tone36's picture

Take 3000mg omega 3. It's only 4 weeks it's not like I run that 10 weeks

Bloxioh's picture

My cholesterol is crazy right now I ran winny for four weeks and it put me up really high . I wanted to run Anadrol but completely nervous from orals right now

Big Tone36's picture

You gotta load up my Omega 3 to keep it balanced

Bloxioh's picture

Thanks bro

smurfdude1234567's picture

Where did retard strength originate? Anybody know? We always made this joke as kids because one of the kids that wrestled with us had Down Syndrome. Kid had little interest in actually working out, but he 100% had a base and wasn’t weak! It was surprising for sure.

I am on the side of it not being legitimate “strength”, but more so a lack of hesitation/critical thinking and they just go through with whatever whole hog despite consequences. Like how they say biting off a human finger would be close to biting a raw carrot, but the raw carrot we snap right through easy… yet hesitate and don’t actually bite off the finger. Or a steak compared to an arm- We can bite through easy, but we don’t because of pain/sympathy pain. If it was a situation of life/death I’m sure people with full cognitive function would lose that hesitation and take a finger/chunk out of someone with “retard strength” hahaha.

So is “Retard Strength” just a lack of hesitation & critical thinking?

Random thought of the day

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Mikeyt84L.I..N.Y.'s picture

That's pretty much what i think too. They just don't think about it and do it. They are well special so If does come up. It's like their fighting for their life so all that adrenaline and fear can work wonders.

Big Tone36's picture

Yea they don't take no shit, you fuck with them and push there buttons they go nuts, it's like they just took a hit of meth

smurfdude1234567's picture

Oh yeah man imagine having the ability to tap into our adrenaline as easy as flipping a switch?!

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Big Tone36's picture

You should right articles

smurfdude1234567's picture

Now that’s a compliment!

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Sithx66's picture

Yes I can confirm!

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thahulk2014's picture

Had great results with Gorilla. Ill get a review up of the dhb as well. How you running it this run bro?

Big Tone36's picture

600mg a wk

AlphaLifter's picture

How is DHB works ?

Big Tone36's picture

Good, lean mass gains

MuscleTitan35's picture

NIce gear !

Jrblh2's picture

Have you run gorillas dhb and if so how’s the pip?

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Big Tone36's picture

Yea I used it in a previous cycle, I liked it a lot. I used 600mg per week divided into 3x 2ml injections. The pip was minimal, definitely has a bite but nothing hindering Life. If you're contemplating using it, I suggest you give his a try