Diesel22's picture
  • 139

+ 3 GK’s HGH / Test E 250


GK’s new batch of HGH and Test E 250mg.
Always great communication.
Thanks GK

Ordered from: 
Gorillakingz's picture

Blue tops came back 97% sent you guys the testing via email will post testing for everyone this evening when I get to my laptop

Diesel22's picture

Thanks for sending me the test results.

Diesel77's picture

Nice. Heard good feedback regarding GK products +1

boz645's picture

Cool, I know his black tops were good. +1

Owes a Review × 1
Prollytat2U's picture

Have you tried any of the Gh?

Diesel22's picture

Yes I’m on the 2nd kit of his black tops from GK. These blue ones are a new batch. I just got it.

D-Bol's picture

Gonna be hard to beat the quality of the black tops. Keep us posted.

Diesel22's picture

The blue tops came back with better testing than the black tops.

Prollytat2U's picture

I got some Gh fro GK and it was kinda cloudy and grainy after reconstituting but he’s sending me another kit. Idk hopefully it was a fluke.

Diesel22's picture

I’ll keep u posted. I still have half of a kit left of the black tops. GK is waiting for the Jano test to come back.

Prollytat2U's picture

Appreciate it yeah mine are the blue tops I didn’t know he jano tested the Gh. I saw a couple people in here said the Gh was weak and some people were like it’s fine so I thought I would try it while I waited on my dude to bring me my regular pharma but was lowkey wanting it to be good and just switch over. I was just weirded out when it wasn’t clear because I’ve only ever used pharm so I asked him if it was normal and he said he’d get me another one mailed out I told him it was no big deal. I was literally just genuinely curious so idk if I’ll use it or not. I reconed 3 of them and they all a bit cloudy and grainy I may see if the next batch is the same. I’m just nervous because I’ve seen a website from china whrere you can basically order any color top Gh for as little as like $23 $30 100 iu kits and you know that has to be dangerous garbage.

Diesel22's picture

GK pretty legit. I’m not trying to be a fan boy but he’s has always been good to me. If something isn’t right he has gone out of his way to make it right. I would say his hgh is a good generic hgh.
If u have the black tops, I actually have the Jano test results that I can forward u.
The blue tops he said will be in soon.
Out of all of the sources on eroids I would say his one of the top sources that test all of his gear.
Which color caps gave u a cloudy / grainy look?

Prollytat2U's picture

Oh I completely agree love his orals and test. My hgh is the blue tops. He’s always quick to respond to emails and ship.

Diesel22's picture

I’ll reconstitute one of my blue top in a few and I’ll lyk what I get by tomorrow.

Prollytat2U's picture

Awesome. Thankyou. I hope mines a fluke and the next ones are better when I’m going to get home I’m going to put some of my bac water in an empty container to make sure it’s not that but I also got the vac water from gk

Diesel22's picture

So I did reconstitute one of my blue tops last night. Checked on it this morning and it was clear. It wasn’t cloudy or grainy. Hopefully you’ll be all set once u get the new kit.

Prollytat2U's picture

That’s so weird I just reconed one of my new kit and same thing. I was extra slow and careful when I did it I even just let the bac water drip down the side one drip at a time.

FlemDaddyKush's picture

You should always have a different kind of bac water on hand. Like I used this certain bac water with one kind of generic hgh and it worked fine and then a different color top I used same water and it would come out cloudy, I used a different brand of bac water on the rest of the cloudy box and I had no problems. Whenever I get cloudy vials I always try more than one kind of bac water just to rule that problem out cuz I've had issues with that before.

Prollytat2U's picture

Yeah I guess I’ll order some more I just used the one I got from GK

Diesel22's picture

This where I get my bac water.

Diesel22's picture

That is weird.

Prollytat2U's picture

Yea I must have the worst luck in the world kinda sad about it honestly I was hoping for a one stop shop. And to get to quit paying for pharm Gh locally.

Prollytat2U's picture

Wish I could post a pic

Prollytat2U's picture

I mean I can’t here on this thread.

Prollytat2U's picture

I don’t think

Diesel22's picture

I’ll recon another one and double check it.
And I’ll get back to u tomorrow
I’m going u send u a FR.