Ag4936cali's picture
  • 122

+ 8 Gdroids td


He threw in a tren a to test on my current cycle.
This order was shipped 2/28.
I have another large order shipped 2/20, missing in action, I'm missing it too.

Thanks gdroids. This will hold me over for now.

Ordered from: 
anvil's picture

Looks good buddy. The Baboon has taken over.

Ag4936cali's picture


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23Sparta's picture

Nice bro. How’s T3 treat you?

Ag4936cali's picture

Never done it. Watching a Palumbo video on it now

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23Sparta's picture

My suggestion is to watch vigorous Steve as well. The top of the food chain PED guru imo. I ran T3 before. Did bloods. 75mcg had me supraphysiological. It indiscriminately cannibalizes tissue, that’s includes muscle. So definitely need aas support to help maintain as much mass as possible. Your thyroid shuts down. This is evident af when you stop. I felt like I got hit by a truck, energy levels were on empty for about a week and then I recovered my normal crappy thyroid function, confirmed though blood work. I was lean though, that’s for sure, the leanest I’ve even been able to accomplish

AK80's picture

Yeah it's like an old cycle mindset. I haven't heard of any guys doing T3 in like 10 years. Some girls will though. But if it works for YOU then that is all that matters.

23Sparta's picture

Exactly, if it works for you. I have a stock pile of T3, just doesn’t interest me. I did give it a good run though, that’s for sure. I don’t want to battle something trying to take away from what I’m trying to do

Steeltoad777's picture

Lucky bastard. Damn you got the second one first? Ugh I hope this gets worked out

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Steeltoad777's picture

Did your tracker update or it arrived before?

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Ag4936cali's picture

Yeah whole time once it hit.

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Steeltoad777's picture

So it landed before it updated is what you're saying?

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