Jay Pee's picture
Jay Pee
  • 64

First time seen these products any feedback appreciated.


No karma pls.
So friend showed me this product looks to me the real deal but would like others to comment and give opinion thanks.

Ordered from: 
Jay Pee's picture

Well this product has came up was wanting some advice but as the man says it seems fake so advice was all I was after but just a bit more detail

Gettingbig's picture

You can't post products from unverified srcs

If it didn't come from an eroids src you can't post it

The logo isn't correct and the company doesn't list that they make this product im guessing counterfeit

Jay Pee's picture

no problem never mentioned a source but just wanted advice but seems fake as you said

Jay Pee's picture

Yes brother on the box and the amps when I ran my finger over them just could not find anything on them via net

Edit.they had a barcode what my friend scanned and showed me looks like they are original but hard to trust shit these days