Roostable's picture
  • 67

+ 2 First run on saizen... let's go


Ordered these beauties from the team late Wednesday. they sent me the tracking number Tuesday and they arrived the next day so door to door in UK in a week!

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Rosschestzip's picture

This might be a dumb question but can you use those without the pen or do you have a pen already and just didnt take a pic with it?

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Roostable's picture

Yes I just draw from them with a slin pin

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Roostable's picture

Yeah ordered from them a few times now always very quick

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Lucci's picture

I'm jelaous!! My first run of GH almost 20 years ago was with Serostim (made by Serono also) was absolutely amazing, but I paid a fortune for it. I also had access to Nutropin AQ at my "place of business" and that was just as good except you didn't have to mix it, but had to keep in fridge. I was in the best shape of my life. I swear to this day that it made my "member" grow too.....

Roostable's picture

Hahah if my member grows on this run I'll be on it for life

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Big Paul's picture

Nice Order, is that premixed?

Roostable's picture


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5percent4life's picture

Gainzzz!!!! I used to always use the 24iu saizen easy pens

Roostable's picture

I've never had the easy pens I've ran lilly and Pfizer before though but seen a lot on YouTube about saizen been best so thought I'd order enough to get a decent run haha

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press1's picture

Not sure if I have asked you this before bud, but do you get any powerlifting gains in any way from using HGH? Or is it more for BBing you use it for.

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5percent4life's picture

Stave off injuries and wayyy better recovery. I was always my strongest and felt the best on it

press1's picture

Do you notice the difference in joint recovery from training such as in shoulders etc?

What dose do you tend to run? Smile

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5percent4life's picture

I like 4iu for healing/recovery. And 6 to 8iu if im really trying to push size and fullness

Bill1976's picture

I used it for a tiny bicep tear in my shoulder. It worked

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Roostable's picture

Like 5 percent says injuries and general recovery is better. I'm not sure it helps generally strength like oxys for example but I'm sure most high level powerlifters use gh

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