WelshNmad's picture
  • 67

+ 7 Dragon Pharma Test-E & EQ Bloodwork


Cycle: Test-E 750ml EQ 900ml 1000iu HCG pw. 4iu HGH 6 days on 1 day off, No AI or serms

Testosterone 175 nmol/L = 5047.35 ng/dL

Prolactin & oestradiol within safe ranges

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thahulk2014's picture

Hey brother what was the batch number off the dragon TE?

WelshNmad's picture

Can't recall sorry

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Bill1976's picture

I love DP gear. Consistent bloods for two years now. Love it.

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ECinfidel's picture

More rockstar numbers from DP. +1 for testing/sharing

WelshNmad's picture

Thanks buddy. DP are very consistent in my experience.

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WelshNmad's picture

Thanks, it was the least I could do for the free promo gear.

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Gzerored1's picture

Wow very cool! Thank you for this. I'm looking to try eq since I heard it was easier to manage sides along with my trt. I did not realize it would affect estrogen aromatization so much!

WelshNmad's picture

I'm not prone to high estrogen from test so definitely get your own bloodwork done if you're compounds or doses you haven't tried before.

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Livelife76's picture

+2 no surprise DP has been good to go for awhile now thanks for testing bro

WelshNmad's picture

Thanks, I owed them at least some bloodwork for 10x bottles of eq

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stew909's picture

Nice! Shows again that eq interferes with or blocks the aromatisation process

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WelshNmad's picture

I've had higher test levels and lower e2 without using EQ but I was using proviron at the time.

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GrowMore's picture

I had to up my ai running 600 EQ per week. Everyone is different.

No bloods to prove but I was getting acne and high e2 sides.

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stew909's picture

Course man. I've seen quite a lot of bloods showing e2 gets crushed when eq is run with lower test or with an AI at normal dose.

But like you say we're all different and that's why bloods should be run a few times when on cycle and cruise or after pct etc

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