BeastM0del's picture
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DP NPP promo


Received 10 DP NPP's in five business days...damz that was fast! Just started a npp run last week and didn't expect these to drop for another few weeks. I'll start using these once in the next week or two.

Will be running trt test c 200-250/mg per week with npp 375/mg per week for 8-10 weeks. Got my caber on hand and ready to go!

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Sneakerzilla's picture

How do you like this npp?? Im going to pick up some and run it with my dp cyp 250 ive never ran npp Before just deca so im pumped to try out this compound.

Owes a Review × 1
BeastM0del's picture

Definitely! Hope there isn't any pip to it...but I'm sure it'll be fine. You get in on the promo?