posted Wed, 07/17/2024 - 12:04
+ 1 Berberine + w/ HGH !???
After a little research & over hearing Vigorous Steve including it in his regimen ; walked into Costco yesterday with this Nutrient on sale !
Began dosing it yesterday ….. Does anyone else ingest Berberine as well ?
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On and off during the year, I take Berberine 500mg twice a day + Benfotiamine 300mg + ALA 600mg twice a day. The ultimate stack
Yeah man, I’ve been taking this since DfromPhilly put me on it maybe 8 years ago. As more research is accumulated it appears it just gets better and better. Greatly improved the efficiency of the AMPK pathway, huge boom to glucose levels, liver & kidney support in a big way, it’s anti-bacterial, viral & parasitic. It is very nearly as effective at metformin in clinical trials. It is very good to run regularly.
Yes been using it for 2 years now at night 500mg.
Yes sir. Berberine is in my year round supplement stack. 500mg x 2 ED. Also helps with keeping anabolic pathways open that shut down from having sub-optimal SHBG
I take a dose each morning & night. Same time i do my daily gh shots. My fasted blood glucose levels have been within range every time i check.
It helps a lot. Good call
My A1C was 6.4 and i was diagnosed as diet controlled diabetes. Ordered and started taking Berberine and my last 2 readings were 6.0 and 5.7 each 6 months apart so it does work for that. Unfortunately my doctor told me the diagnosis stays for life even if A1C stays low. Berberine 1500mg w/ceylon cinnamon
Had you been or were you on cycle when you got this Pre-diabetes reading bud? I had bloods done once where I had been on DBol inject forever and a day, my A1c was 0.1 into the prediabetic zone and I crapped myself! Cut down my glucose powder in all my energy drinks that I was consuming in the day and it soon fell back within range and came off the DBol. Mine never said to me that diagnosis is for life, so I would take it with a pinch of salt buddy.
I was on cycle but i choose not to disclose that to my doctor as i don't trust her. Im sure it explains the higher glucose. Thats why I'm using methods like berberine so my AAS dont cause my doctor to put me on diabetes meds. Doctors here get pharmacy kickbacks so are quick to diagnose and prescribe. Doctors visit is a business transaction in USA
Steroids in general by the nature they work increase blood glucose levels, some are way worse than others such as Tren and DBol for some reason. I guess they mess with Insulin sensitivity and all sorts. Ahh okay ya see its the other way round here as they rather not prescribe and cost the NHS if they don't have to, ultimately us as the Tax payer covers the costs in the end though LOL
Everything here is "pre" this "pre" that and you get it on your diagnosis and they add minimum dose of whatever med.