Bitch-Tit's picture
  • 47

Beginning My Bulk Cycle


Here is me 5 weeks ago at the beginning of my bulk cycle. Getting stronger every day. Shitty pumps tho but can train forever and minimal soreness.

brianwilson's picture

cut the bodyfat percentagte down before bulking and you'll look great.
there is no reason to bulk anymore than you already are,cut up and show some muscle striation and definition then you'll certainly turn heads.keep up the great work bro

Bitch-Tit's picture

I absolutely do not mind if you ask anything. I appreciate it. I have been out of the game now for 5-6 years. So what you're looking at is what was left over from years of working out and me being back in the gym a few months. I thought I would try to put back on some of my quality muscle I lost before I cut back? Thoughts?