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AnabolicLabsUK Viper Labs Mast P


Ordered two 20ml vials of mast p. Love the big 20ml vials. I posted a pic of a 10ml vial(Kalpa test p) to compare it too. One of the vials broke on they way her. It was AnabolicLabsUK fault but without hesitation there sending me a replacement. Great service in my book.

P's picture

Gear looks sweet and keep us updated with Vipers service brother

Catalyst's picture

I've got some Viper Mast E in my stash, not likely to run it for a while. Be interested to hear how you get on with this fella.

BigJ-roll's picture

Dam bro don't you have enough shit!!! Lol

DBG's picture

Good man! That's how you do NOW for cycles LATER.