grneyes23's picture
  • 46

About to start firct cycle


First cycle prop 100 eod, anavar everyday 50. Was thinking of adding clen and t3 to really get that bodyfat low but lets see what I can get from this first
32, 6"2, 225, bf prob 12 or 13 have no idea if anyone has a idea feel free to share

grneyes23's picture

@ 7gothic , No one will identify so I can I get the bottle lol. It was a big mistake got it at 12 then tried to cover at 18 to join military. So you also agree with test only for first cycle I take it? Thanks for the compliment, im trying to blow the chest up and lower back see if this helps

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7gothic's picture


JK Bro. The cycle you're on right now is perfect..I would'nt add anything else. Your arms look good, and you've got GREAT traps. Pound those millitary presses and latteral raises.
Good job.

arlis77's picture

a dragon? lol..ok just gimme the fucken bottle a junkie

grneyes23's picture

@Nasty81Nate ill keep the adex in hand just in case. Ill be starting my cycle in a week will be posting updates.

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grneyes23's picture

@Nasty81Nate ill keep the adex in hand just in case. Ill be starting my cycle in a week will be posting updates.

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grneyes23's picture

@godeep the main reason I was thinking of the adex was to just keep the water away and to keep me looking tight. If I use .25 eod do u think that will limit my gains, or would that does be in effective?

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grneyes23's picture

@godeep, Yes sir bought 10,000 mg of prop, 100 tabs of 50 mg anavar, bought cycle assist to take during cycle, arimedex .5 eod, pct have nolva and clomid, have clen and t3 on hand. Wasnt sure if I would need the HCG due to low test and the other stuff

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livingthedream's picture

For your first HCG will probably not be necessary; Clomid should be sufficient to get you back afterwards. Of course everyone is different and I am shooting from the hip

Adex or any other anti-estrogen/aromatase should only be added to the cycle if you experience side effects. It is wise to have it on hand, but it would be improbable that you would need it so quickly. Also - although many of us run them during the cycle, AI/AE's will limit your gains.

grneyes23's picture

No pain no gain plus I kind of like pain as weird as that sounds, I would think most of us on here do though. Hell if I didnt I sure wouldnt be pushing that last rep out when my legs are on fire my back is giving out and I want to throw up after I rack it, im talking to myself saying is that all you got and damm right im back under that bar squatting lol If for for some reason I cant handle it ill man up and post it here.

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livingthedream's picture

Just my opinion, stay away from the t3 for now at least. Hell, even try to stay away from the Anavar if you can. Did you already buy your materials? Ancillaries and PCT also?

grneyes23's picture

LMFAO @ Cahardcore, naw if flip over a desk or throw the fridge out they will just think my Raiders lost lol

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grneyes23's picture

Appreciate the feedback bodybuilder, I might due the test only and amidrix to keep the water retention down, I need to be agile for work so hence another reason for the prop. Plus I prefer the ripped strong as a fucken bull look as opposed to marshmellow men that I see at the gym lol

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Trenabolic's picture

Your brave bro prop first cycle but hey test is test. Yeah bro stick to test only, it's all about getting to know your body and how it reacts to different compounds. Don't rush into things plenty of time to grow my friend. Save the orlas for your next cycle.

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grneyes23's picture

thanks, CAhardcore, Ive always been tempted but never had the balls to, ive worked out since I was 16 loved the attention from the woman. But now just wanna see how far I can push myself. I need a short ester due to work I get tested and I can get about a weeks heads up from some friends so def gonna be using prop.

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Trenabolic's picture

If this is your first cyle stick to test only brother.

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grneyes23's picture

Yes sir, I know every one says to just do test but heart is set on prop and anavar

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