CAhardcore's picture
  • 102

+ 6 10 weeks pct w/ Karl's GH


Satts : 6'1'' 252 lbs, 14 % bf. 33 years old
Goals: to reach 240 with 10% bf and get to a place that thst is a comfortable walking weight.
Until then, keep getting the comments "do you compete ?"
Test is decent at 653.
Estro is a little high 49.. Due to doctor perceived clomid for fertility issues.
LH/FSH seen mid range , not low not hight.
IGF .. 531!!!! Strictly on somastim .
Feeling good.. Just trying to decide if I let my test / LH/ FSH creep up a little higher until my next run

Ordered from: 
enhancedlife's picture

Somas are the shit. That's all I will use now

99transam's picture

All I run is somas...7iu/day about to bump to 12iu. Only generic I've seen on this site yet with consistency for months now. I don't understand these guys who are running multiple src generics for months on end with low/mid/high igfs every test.

CAhardcore's picture

Anyone think the test/LH/FSH is too low to cycle again ???

Muffins's picture

I read you're on prescribed Clomid. If that's the case, those aren't true numbers.

SuperMax's picture

Sciroxx always has a quality product!! ++

CAhardcore's picture

Anyone think the test is too low or LH/fsf??
I had bloods done way after pct sbdvthryv erred only only 500

Gh0st's picture

What's your baseline bud? LH/FSH is borderline high from what I can see. Which can be a result of the clomid you're taking (first guess) or that you haven't recovered yet and your test will continue to rise. Once your body reaches its normal equilibrium I would expect your LH/FSH to drop some. Unless you're on the clomid... Hard to say without baselines. Even with.. hard to say when you have clomid in the picture. Time on + pct = time off is always a good rule to go by.

Owes a Review × 1
selfster19's picture

Very nice man. Thank u for posting. How many iu ed?...5 correct?

Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 2
Bigguy07's picture

Awesome numbers, I feel great on these!!!

Goose24's picture

Wow nice numbers!! Thanks for sharing!