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Viruses and other misconceptions


A few members are emailing me saying that might be propagating viruses, or that eroids security was breached. I can't blame you guys, with the recent ddos attack all sorts of issues and doubts were going through my mind, but I can assure you eroids has not been breached, hacked or otherwise compromised.

There are no viruses or other malware on
In fact you can test this yourself with online services like or

Files are scanned.

  • All email and files going in/out of eroids server are scanned before they're served.
  • The whole system runs on a linux system which is not compatible with windows viruses. It's highly unlikely for our server to be infected, and impossible to be infected by a virus designed for windows environment.

About the warning popup in browsers.

  • It is possible that you have a virus on your computer and it got triggered by visiting a webpage.
  • It is possible that someone is reporting as a malicious website to microsoft just for the lolz..
  • Some antivirus software can report "bad site" for servers (like ours) hosted with eroids' hosting provider.
  • When reporting a popup, please provide me with more information about it. "I got popup msg" is not enough to track down the problem

I hope that calms some of you down, and keep your pcs clean, especially those with windows computers, you need to run antivirus software regularly. It's not the 90's, today's viruses don't destroy your hard disks anymore, they sit there and log your keyborad input looking for passwords, bank accounts and other info.

scoobydoo's picture

You may want to leave out what your whole system runs on.

BFG's picture

Thats an easily obtainable information, publicly available to anyone interested.

scoobydoo's picture

Ok.I don't know anything about server security.I just get by keeping my computer running!

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