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NSA Prism program taps in to user data of Apple, Google and others


The latest Guardian bombshell reveals that NSA has gained access to several leading U.S. tech giants in a massive dragnet hoovering email, photo, filesharing and chat info from Yahoo, Google, Skype, Apple, AOL and YouTube services. According to Guardian, DropBox will follow soon.

youngtricep98's picture

And people thought GWB was bad....

killroy's picture

Since this program started in 2007... its more proof that GWB was bad and started this whole mess. 'Merica.

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youngtricep98's picture

Every prez is bad. You gotta do what you gotta do to keep the wolves happy. But Obama is trying to destroy this country from the inside out.

Pale's picture

This goes beyond one party, it is both parties treating us like we have no 4th amendment rights. 1984 anyone?

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