JohnnyBlack's picture
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+ 1 How much cheaper/more available are steroids NOW compared to back in the day?


Ive read on some old blogs and other old sites about 10ml vials of Sust going for welllll over 100$. How much have prices on steroids gone up and down through the years, or has it always been going down past.. 5 or 10 years? On average a bottle of prop now from a UGL goes for about 30-35 dollars here on eroids, How much did it used to go for?

I hate how ALOT of people bitch to sources after they don't receive there gear after a few days longer than the stated TA. I know a lot of guys had to go down to mexico and bring gear back up back in the day OR have to send money half way across the world with no guarantee there gear would come and if it did come it would take months instead of weeks...Do any of the old-times have any crazy stories about how they used to get there gear?

Just posting this to get some interesting responses :-)

macca82's picture

My first cycle I payed 250 bucks a 10ml bottle and 500 bucks for 100 dbol. This is before I found this site my first cycle was over 2 grand

logan's picture

Before the internet and yes the world did still go round without it. You bought your stuff from the biggest guy in the gym usually it was pharma grade or from Mexico. You were looking at $80 for a bottle of test E and $15 for 200mg of deca from Orgenon. Unfortunately, the guy you bought from was also your doctor. He gave you cycle advice which in many cases was wrong.

Guysmiley's picture

The whole game has changed from when I was younger. I remember paying $400 for 100 Anadrol 50 tabs, $25 an amp for Parabolin, Sustanon 250, etc, $150-200 each for 10 ml bottles and at the lower end of the cost spectrum it was usual underground underdosed stuff. At the same time I remember ordering from Tijuana pharmacies paying $3 per Sustanon preload with those hideous 18 gauge pins, writing to sources in Switzerland, Germany, etc for price lists, sending cash, waiting forever, etc, ordering from veterinary houses. People don't realize how easy it is now. You had to really want it and be ready to spend serious cash, now some kid can send $30 to a US underground and get a 10 ml vial for a first time cycle, its crazy.

MisterP's picture

Much cheaper AND sooo much more variety available now! Things like Masteron, Tren(Parabolan) and Turinabol were exotic and nobody knew of anyone who used them. They were things of lore that ONLY the pros had access to. Eq was about as exotic as things that it was a vet product. It came as 50mg/ml and cost about $200 for 30ml. I remember when stories would go around like 'Haney is using Equipoise and THAT'S why he's Mr.O!' Then it was 'Yates is using Parabolan, Masteron & GH' was all just talk to get guys to buy overpriced gear that may have been available for a couple few. The most available/used at the time was Test Cyp, Deca & Dbol & forget about PCT... Nolvadex, Proviron and Clomid were the only things we knew and because of cost they were rarely used unless you had serious side effects.
My first purchase was from a 'Local' gym rat as the internet wasn't even in the American lexicon. Gear wasn't controlled at the time so my guy would get directly from the pharmacy. I'll never forget my first time buying from him. We met at a small pharmacy in town in the evening. There were about 5-6 other guys there getting from him too. He literally took our order in the parking lot, went into the pharmacy and came out 15minutes later with a bag full of gear. He had a relationship with the pharmacist and the guy would sell him whatever he had behind the counter. I was hoping to get some Test cyp, but, since I was the newbie in the group I got whatever was leftover after he took care of his regulars. The only thing he had left was a bottle of Winthrop Winny tabs 2mg each! LOL! 100@ $200!!! Beggars can't be choosers, so I took it! I used 5 pills a day and put on a couple of pounds, but, the pumps were unlike any I had before... I WAS HOOKED!!! I paid him in advance for the next order. $300 for 10ml Steris Cyp and 10ml Steris Suspension. Unfortunately, I didn't have access to pins.. He gave me ONE 21guage which I used for THE ENTIRE CYCLE!! Imagine re-using the same, dull pin/ a couple of times a week...lasting 5 weeks. He told me it was no problem, just use rubbing alcohol to clean it after each injection. Because I didn't know any different I followed his instructions. By the end of the first week it was HELL just breaking skin! I put on about 20lbs during that time....I remember a professor who had me in his class the semester before stopping in the hallway and asking me if I was related to (Mr.P)(myself)... He didn't think it was me, but recognized the facial features!!! When we talked I remember the confused look on his face.. Looking me up and down. HaHa!!! those were the days!

manbearpig's picture

haha thats funny.

MisterP's picture

BTW After my local guy went to prison(for biting a guys nose off in a fight...ugh!) I began procuring from overseas. Back then you would write to a pharmacy overseas asking what items were available. They would mail you back a list of whatever they offered... Sort of a checklist. REMEMBER this was before the net, so, the whole process of getting a list would take about 2-3 weeks... sometimes a month... Then I'd check off what items I wanted and included cash. There was NO WAY of tracking your order other than calling the post office.. So you had to wait patiently for about a month or two with your fingers crossed..hoping that you didn't find a customs seizure letter in your mailbox. Once you found a reliable source YOU STUCK WITH 'EM! Back then you really had to prepare your cycle MONTHS in advance. Whenever I see someone complain that it's been TWO weeks and they haven't received their gear, I want to explain to them what it used to be like. They're so lucky to have the accommodations and variety right now. ...... Boy, I sound like my pops.....really old..haha
Hope this sheds some light.....

j0n's picture

dude this is priceless. how things have changed...

manbearpig's picture

that is so right. too many complainers today and it is so much easier.

logan's picture

I put gear from mexico in a shampoo bottle I sterilized back in the day before getting on a plane. I know I know... But I was 28 and stupid. As usual got bad advice from a guy in the gym. I just got into it with a little bitch about complaining this weekend about TA times and as you said cost. It sounds like a broken record but the new generation has it so lucky, they have no clue.

Falcon's picture

Its got its ups and downs. Gear is definitely cheaper now and more available. Back in the day it was what was available that determined what I ran more than what was best. I do miss having a couple of my old local sources though. It seems they've all been phased out now. That being said it was VERY difficult to find the good ones and even then prices were commonly 3-4Xs higher and a lot of the more "exotic" compounds (by the standards then) just didn't exist for users. Now it seems like there is a veritable buffet of gear, ancillaries, and other chems and hardware.

Thor's picture

Most people who bitch about T/A are newbs or new school. I remember when 4 weeks was consider super fast. And vials prices used to average around $100-$125

P's picture

Obviously a lot more cheaper and readily available.
Simple demand and supply, with the internationalisation theory makes it more easier to gain knowledge about making, buying, importing, selling steroids, and with this increased knowledge/supply, there was also an increase in demand, thus reducing prices in most cases