Pale's picture
  • 2.5k

Less than symmetrical muscle?


I have noticed my right lat looks twice as big as my left. I do the same exercises for each. I am perplexed. Is this happening to anyone else?

bm765's picture

this is part of the reason i said fuck bodybuilding within 6 months of picking up a weight for the first time.

UgtaBkdNme's picture

It's normal. My entire left side is a bit bigger than my right. I've started doing an extra set on my right but I don't know if it will help.

jansen's picture

I have the exact same problem. Also my forearm is smaller on that side. Now when doing pull ups and pull downs I try to make sure my smaller side is fully contracting. It also helped to slow my reps down to make sure I wasnt doing all the work with my strong side.

birdbear27's picture

My left arm is noticeably bigger than my right. And nothing I've done has been able to fix it. I absolutely hate it. I picked my right arm to put my sleeve on becuase of it. Don't wanna cover up my big arm, lol.

vhman's picture

It's not uncommon. Just be sure to concentrate when doing your back exercises to fully pull your weak side shoulder back and make a full flex. I have to do that with my left side.

Pale's picture

Good advice there. I will have to start paying more attention to detail on back day.

konig's picture

Yuuuuuup... big time.. right arm, right lat especially.. it pisses me off most of the timebut I always throw in isolation movements at the end of every workout as the finishers to kind of even them up..

birdbear27's picture

Not in my case, I'm right handed but my left arm is a lot bigger.

Pale's picture

Yes, I am right handed. Right arm is only 1/4 bigger than left, everything else is pretty well matched and even my lats were til this cycle lol. It is almost like it happened overnight.