BFG's picture
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oscaroservice fake reviews and votes


Reset score to 0 due to multiple fake users, reviews and votes.

The following users have been banned:

Jerryb's picture

Hey BFG thanks for declaring oscaro a scam, they got way too many ppl robbing them of their money... I talked to Nitti but he said there isn't much he can do, you and I were having a conversation on their review page and because of that all the fakes and shills down voted me several times I think I had like 20 karma and now I'm down to 11 is there anything u can do to get me back the karma they took? I completely forgot they could down vote my comments and replying to your comments I thought they couldn't vote them down stupid me lol

Jerryb's picture

Yea BFG u and I already had a little experience with oscaro, them down voting u to hide ur comments haha such idiots! I'm glad people are making accounts on here and posting that they are a scam! I wish I could single handedly take these guys down so people stop getting scammed but I can't do it alone lets work together and investigate and bann this Scam!!!

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