1jakd_hipy's picture
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+ 1 Next summer wedding on the beach


I'm trying to decide on my cycle pre-destination wedding next summer. It's a beach wedding south of cancun and I really wanna be Super Shredder for it. I've always just relied on my diet and genetics to stay lean on cycle so I don't have a ton of experience with "cutting" steroids but do have some. Definitely looking for input though. I'm 5'10 230 right now (plan on being around 260 by next spring) have been cycling for 7 years and even though I'm only 28 I'm a cruiser, I know I shouldn't be but it's a decision I made and one I'll have to live with. Here is what I'm thinking. I didn't post BF% cause who knows what it will be then but right now it's right around 10

WeekTest P (EOD)Tren (EOD)Mast P (EOD)Adex (E3D)Caber (E3D)Anavar
11Debatingon 10 or 12.25mg.5mg
gurn's picture

I would go 50 test p 70 tren a 50 mast p ed.

gurn's picture

That is understandable and I to was Leary but this is my 3rd tren cycle and by far the highest dose and also the best with by far Tue least sides.'

gurn's picture

You will have less sides more success.

gurn's picture

You will have less sides more success.

fast48's picture

Congrats! Gonna be shredded!

fast48's picture

It looks fone to me. I'm not the tren dude yet but youve got level mix which should do well. Usually id say boost the mast prop but tren is gonna do the main job. You got the ai's....bah da bing!

fast48's picture

Not on duty it wouldn't. Probably good for a wild takeover though!

gurn's picture

Apparently when you have no Carma you are invisible. The dosing I put up there was advised to me by Viking and its been the easiest tren cycle I have ever done and if you do equal or more test p you are just wasting the test p.

fast48's picture

Not a karma invisibility. Most of the vets are burnt out from arguing with newbs. Lol. Zewis good with tren....hipy is in good hands.

fast48's picture

Definitly not a good combo. I win a bottle of tren...definitly will start low. Lol!

ghiger's picture

No pct for this cycle Fast?? I've seen you rip people apart when they dont have proper post cyle on here.

ghiger's picture

Ok. Thank you.

fast48's picture

I chat with hipy a lot on threads. If you look this is a tren cycle. I know you've seen me go nutty on goofs doing tren. Lol! Always good to double check Smile

ghiger's picture

I'm definitely learning a lot from the cycle logs. Its great info.

fast48's picture

So much good info all over the site Smile