DecaDream's picture
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My First Cycle


Started off at 205 lbs , Bf is around 30%, 5'9"
After the first two weeks I started to notice some increased energy and libido, Now I'm around week 7and my strength is increasing in every workout that I do by a significant amount , I'm now up around 212_215lbs and noticeably leaning out and my arms and chest are growing and also my waist is shrinking a bit, I am however noticing that my libido is not as good as it was and I am a bit sluggish. Yesterday I added an ai (armidex) at 1mg and I am feeling slightly better. In a couple of more weeks I will update with stats and any changes that I am making.

Week 1Test Eth500mg 2x Weekly
Week 2500mg500 2x Weekly
Week 3500mg500 2x Weekly
Week 4500mg2x Weekly
Week 5500mg2x Weekly
Week 6500mg2x Weekly
Week 7500mg2x Weekly
Dickkhead's picture

I agree with just about everything below. I give a lot of credit to the guys that still spend quality time in the cycle logs trying desperately to deal with stuff like this here that has become TYPICAL.

I really can't account for why the log section has deteriorated the way it has. I can't get my head around it.

Catalyst's picture

He responded with this below a few hours ago:

Actually it's not correct as I screwed up its actually 750 a week which I have dropped to 500 a week , sorry it took so long to get back to the tread.

Still 750mg mind you, highly unsuitable either way....

Re Dorian's doses, I'll guarantee it was a lot more than 1000mg per week. I trained in his gym for years.

Catalyst's picture

Lol - Was a real dungeon in every sense! I moved away from the area a few months back about 100miles south so new area, new gym etc.

RG975's picture

You need to know all your numbers brother, I highly recommend going to a local gym and paying $20 for FB assessment, buying a electronic scale, or hell I even found this ridiculous site that gives you an estimate ( You were able to find this website you should find the means of knowing your body. I would bet you didn't get your blood test either.

You need to know your at such a High Risk for estrogen conversion, increase estrogen levels lead you to another host of problems insulin sensitive or blood glucose problems. Its not going to be pretty continuing...
You should really stop to think for a second about all this and the risk/reward scale.

Whitetrash's picture

At 30% BF you don't have even a basic grasp of the importance of diet. This cycle is a fucking joke. Eat less crap and you will lose bodyfat.

marcint82's picture

what bf% would you suggest? any research or posts or other references? just trying to learn as much as possible.. thanks bro

BELLO1782's picture

1000Mg of test for first cycls is alot whether a veteran or a noob. 500 should do juat fine...your probably feeling,sluggish bc your estro is too high (but that may or may not be the case). Like others have said your BF percent is a little high and the increase in estro can make you more prone to gyno...its great you have ai now, but 1mg ed.if your still feeling crappy try .5 ed or 1mg is most important and cardio a few times,a,week,will,def brimg down,bf as well,as make u feel better. Keep an eye on sides, sodium intake and sat. Fats as well as estro..,just my opinion. Good luck brother!!!

marcint82's picture

appreciate your input, thanks bro.. I'm cutting now to try to get down to around 10% BF so that I'll be around 10-13% by the time I'm cycling for this first time this next winter.. do you think that is a good plan regarding BF%? or would it be more beneficial to have closer to 15% and maybe more power..?

marcint82's picture

I am looking to run my first Test cycle in about 5-7 months, and somewhat interested to run a Clen cycle prior... seeing what the vets say about that.. but as far as running Test, according to my research and peers' guidance-->definitely get some natural gains first, drop the body fat down to at least 12-15%... your diet should be adjusted and exercise routine as well to make the necessary natural gains first. 30% body fat is considered obese.. granted you have muscle mass that is considered fat, then you still are saying that you are overweight.. Test isn't "gear"ed to help overweight bro's become fit, it's gear for bro's who are fit gain mass through appropriate diet and dedicated exercise. I do not have any experience with AAS, but I did study health sciences, biology, chemistry, and kinesiology at university, and have a NASM personal trainer certification, and have done much research on AAS... the first cycle is supposed to be your best cycle, "first hit is the best hit"... try to learn from this, listen to the other AAS vets, and get your numbers in line before running another cycle. and hopefully you have a solid PCT all set up, since you didn't post what you have planned.

WelshNmad's picture

is your dosage correct? "500mg 2x weekly" = 1000mg per week. If that's correct It's too much.

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Darkhorse777's picture

Lose some weight with diet and cardio then revisit the thought of gear in the future

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Catalyst's picture

You've got a lean body mass of around 150lbs and you're running gear? I'd strongly suggest you reconsider, could be ugly running a cycle at 30% BF.

marcint82's picture

what body fat % would you suggest for first cycle? I'm about 12% now, working to get to 10% in next few weeks so that by this winter--when I am planning to run first cycle--I will hopefully be able to maintain 10-13%.. any other advice also much appreciated. thank you!

The Impastable's picture

You're running a cycle at 30% BF. What happened to dieting and hard work, did you just skip that part?

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