nilslissy's picture
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Hey guys i need your help,

Iam on a testosterone enanthat cycle
300 mg e5d now iam in week 4.

But i dont feel that it work, only my Libido is down my dick cant go big is that normal?

The testosterone is from genshi Labs.

Thanks for help.

The Impastable's picture

Dude you posted this already in the open forums and are getting answers there ffs...

freedom1981's picture

This really problem , the amount you are taking not enough for a cycle . What you are doing in this 300 mg every 5 day make your body stop producing the natural testeron and the replacement (300mg e5d) not enough .
Up your doses to 500 mg.
250 mg mon
250 mg wen
Otherwise you just break the natural producing testeron in your body .
And you damage your self
More than have a benefits.

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