mac1989's picture
  • 8

+ 1 First Cycle/Test Prop


23% body fat
Height 5.9"

Have been training consistently for 3-4 years but all together 5-6
This is my first real cycle,I have chosen test prop in case any side effects occur as the compound will be out of my body within a few days, i have read that pinning EOD can be a nightmare but i think there are more advantages of using test prop such as a shorter cycle, less bloat (apparently),im just looking for lean gains and to drop body fat, i will include 20-30minutes cardio a day alongside an hour+ of weight training where i will train 2 muscle groups in a session Eg: back/bis-chest/tris-legs/abs etc
,6 weeks
100mg EOD running amiridex 0.25 EOD 50 Poviron ED
if there is anything i have missed should add or just advice/experiences and how you felt whilst on cycle will be greatly appreciated
Also is it essential to get my bloodwork done and will i be able to get it done in the uk?
Pictures will follow shortly

6 weeks EODTestosterone PropinateAmiridexNolvadexClomid
1350mg0.25 EOD
2350mg0.25 EOD
3350mg0.25 EOD
4350mg0.25 EOD
5350mg0.25 EOD
6350mg0.25 EOD
mac1989's picture

If any ones interested i ran a prop cycle for my second cycle at 100 mg eod had major bloat and controlled it with letro,strength went up crazy but did not have the lean look i wanted maybe due to diet however when i have ran just dht steroids such as winstrol and anavar i have had a better look, even with turinabol

Ps just putting that out there lol

GrowMore's picture

More power to you for running prop for a first cycle, many gods of the iron, myself included went with the same for our first run with the muscle juice. You've obviously done a lot of research and know what you're in for. Remember, sterile, sterile and sterilize!

Blood work is a difficult one in the UK. Some needle exchanges offer a service though or private labs if money is no object. +1

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mac1989's picture

How was it for you? good gains any sides?

GrowMore's picture

Diet / training / gear were all on point and I made some incredible gains both strength band size at just 350mg per week. No sides apart from oily skin and to be completely honest I acted rather arrogant most the time on that cycle (so watch out). I now know how to handle the ego while on cycle now a days luckily as I probably was a right spanner. PCT was much the same as any PCT..sucked!

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purejuiced's picture

I would get some Test E for first cycle. If you cant I would run test p at 125mg eod for 8 weeks, and don't do quad injections. Glutes and delts only. I would start your adex dose at .25 e3d.

mac1989's picture

ok mate, i just want to see how i react any problems and i can jump off i cant do that with test e

mac1989's picture

pictures up

birdbear27's picture

I don't think prop is a good choice for your first run. If you've already bought it then well, use it. But you might not have much fun. Prop can hurt, and there's a lot of pinning involved with prop. Poke glute, glute, quad, quad.... suddenly you're doing a sexy penguin waddle and you're only a week into your cycle. Plus you may be like me and get hit hard by prop only cycles or prop kickers. I pin anyting over 100mgs at a time and I'm in for a lovely 48 hours of test flu. And if you don't know what test flu is, it's pretty much the flu without the puking and coughing. It sucks. As a general rule, you should always have a backup cycle and pct on hand. This is advantageous to you for several reasons. Maybe you end up with bunk gear, or something doesn't react well with you, you'll then have a backup to switch to so you don't screw up your cycle, and your body. But here's a few pip (post injection pain) tips for prop or any other pip causing oils.

  1. Heat up your oils before pinning, not boiling hot, this shits going into your muscle bro. Think body temp. I like to load my rigs then hold it in my armpit for about 5 min. Nice and warm.

  2. Push the needle in quick and steady, try not to shake or wiggle. You may feel inclined to pin slow, ignore that, pin with a nice steady quick fluid motion.

  3. Always aspirate to make sure you're not stuck in a vein, this means pulling back just slightly on the plunger once the needle is in the muscle, if all that comes in is bubbles, you're good. If you get blood, pull out and relocate.

  4. Pin slooowww. This will keep from tearing up the muscle fibers from expanding too quickly which will lead to pip. Pinning slow also cuts down on the hand shakes.

  5. Pull out just like you went in. Quick smooth motion.

  6. Don't rub it! Just leave it.

If you want to you can put a heating pad on the area for a little while. This helps a lot. And of course use alcohol pads to clean the area before and after.

I don't think I can post the link here but there's a site that shows how and where to pin all the good spots. You can add and pm me for that. You got lots of good info from everyone here. Except for Idonntevenlift1988. Don't listen to his shitass advice. But please do make sure you get your body fat checked and re-checked. Have a caliper test done by someone who's done it a lot, or better yet a hydro test. If you're 20% + you shouldn't play with aas. It can be done safely no doubt but you have to really be on top of things and also have more knowledge of aas than I think you have at this point. Get your bodyfat checked and report back to us bro.

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

Im confused... you say

You may feel inclined to pin slow, ignore that, pin with a nice steady quick fluid motion.

then you say

Pin slooowww. This will keep from tearing up the muscle fibers from expanding too quickly which will lead to pip. Pinning slow also cuts down on the hand shakes.

So I know what I do, and it works. I think you just stated what you do slightly incorrect, and its a lil confusing!

birdbear27's picture

I'm sorry that is confusing I didn't notice that. I should definitely clarify there.

Pin quickly as in POKE it in quickly

Then pin slow as in push the plunger slow when injecting. plunging slow to cut down on shakes and pip.

Make sense?
Thank you for catching that.

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

I knew exacly what you were saying!

I try to get a 45-60 second slow push while injecting. I star cramping bad pinning my own glutes now. Shoulder geting to wide or somthing. I tried pinning glutes and my lats started cramping and I broke a full on sweat. This is after a few cycles and two years of trt.

Pinning prop every day for a first cycle would have been to much for me as a noob.

I would stick with enth or sust even, if wanted the kick from the prop!!!

mac1989's picture

Im going to be doing EOD not ED im not that hardcore yet, maybe it will be too much for me we will see lol

birdbear27's picture

Same thing with me! Haha I gotta twist myself around so hard its a workout just pinning my ass hahaha. Cramping lats and neck, and pouring sweat hahaha. My girl saw me doing that one time and she's like "are you sick?" Lol.

I agree it could be too much for him and make his cycle not so fun, but maybe kalpa won't be so bad. Idk. His money is spent though that's the bummer

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

well if he needs motivation he should look at your transfomation homie!

IDK how you was so skinny. U looked like a french model, now you look like a MAN!!!

mac1989's picture

Firstly i would like to say thank you for the advice, everything you have said is exactly what i have read elsewhere but all together, i also have found a website about injections can i post the link on here? the main thing im worried about is recovering after the cycle, and more mental side effects like anxiety etc i dont have a back up cycle only oral winstrol and time and time again ive been read that an oral only is not a good idea, ive already got my prop from a reliable source, and its from kalpa-testoxyl propinate the ai is Balkan pharmacy and the proviron,nolva and clomid is kalpa also, but seriously id say im around 18% body fat, definitely not fat lol, so say if the cycle does not agree with me what is the reccomended protocol to stop? if i didnt have the advice from other people on here who have experienced real cycles i wouldn't go ahead myself as i know so many people who don't use AAS properly and im sure if i told you guys you wouldnt believe how they are not seriously ill...

birdbear27's picture

Absolutely man I'm always here to help as much as I can. You're absolutely right an oral only cycle is never a great idea. Honestly your proposed cycle is a solid one and well put together. It's a great novice cycle. If your gear is real Kalpa and BP from a good source then you're set, those are great products. 18% bodyfat is an ok place to be for a cycle. It's not optimal but it's ok. The reason we don't want to do a cycle with excessive body fat is because fat cells have a lot of estrogen receptors. And when introducing exogenous testosterone into the body, estrogen will rise with it. But if you are able to keep your estrogen under control you can get away with it just fine. Especially with a good a.i. and proviron. Proviron is a fantastic addition to any cycle and good on you for adding it. Proviron also has its own advantages with adipose tissue androgen receptors which helps to burn fat, but that's another conversation. When it comes to the anxiety, that's another one of those unknown variables. The chances of you getting any anxiety on a test only cycle is extremely low but it could happen. You're most likely to feel less anxious and more confident on cycle which is how most users feel. Especially when you add in proviron. Proviron will make you feel really good, its referred to as a sense of "anabolic well being". Your libido will go fucking insane too with prop and provi. You'll be humping the couch in no time. But if it did come to a point that you needed to come off in a hurry, you would just start your pct early is all. And being that you're using short ester test and provi, any sides you may be experiencing will clear quite quickly. My best advice for you is to get pre cycle bloodwork to know what your natural levels are supposed to look like, this way once you are off and go through pct, you can get post bloods done and know whether or not you're fully recovered and everything went well. Also don't be shy, post some pictures for us and we'll be able to give you a good idea of where your bodyfat is and help you more. But at 18%, I wouldn't be 100% against it as long as you have a good base built up naturally. Like I said, it's not optimal, but it's doable as long as your diet and ancillaries are on point. Hit me up anytime if you need a hand with anything bro.

mac1989's picture

im going to scrap this i think there is room for improvement naturally and when i dont have limited time do a test e cycle like you recommended

birdbear27's picture

Excellent idea. +1 for being practical and playing it safe.

mac1989's picture

I need to get pictures up asap as i want to start this on monday but my phones a joke, i have done proviron and anavar last year as like a taster tbh i had good results, is it possible to get bloodwork done in the uk? normally i have 1 day of the week where i have two meals of what i want, but normally my diet is decent 4 meals a day example- Breakfast Oats/banna/ shake meal 2 fillet steak brown rice1/2 boiled eggs green salad or broccoli meal 3 salmon Fillet sweet potato broccoli meal 4 cod and green salad but this i my max really if i snack it will be nut and fruits i know what to do and knowin that im on AAS will drive me to be more determined with diet etc

birdbear27's picture

If you use the search button up top you'll be able to find some info on getting bloods done in the uk. I know its easy at least. Your diets better than a lot of people but can definitely use some work. I could give you a hand there if you wanna add me. What you need to be is determined with your diet on and off cycle. Its really easy to lose those gains if your diet falls off.

mac1989's picture

pictures up

birdbear27's picture

Good pics nice work bro. So you're right, you're probably closer to 18%, but not any less. Probably 18-20. What I would like to see is you figure yourself out naturally first. And by that I mean figuring out your diet and training. I have no problem with you running aas in your current condition healthwise, that can for the most part be controlled. What I'm worried about is what I said before about not being on top of it with your diet, and either making shit gains or losing any gains you make. So I'm gonna say this, lets do a month of killing it in the gym and in the kitchen. Lets see what you can achieve with a killer diet and training split and get you acquainted with being more strict and more methodical in your approach to this. Then afterwards we'll reevaluate and HOPEFULLY we'll have you in a better place condition wise and you'll have a more firm grasp on how to achieve your goals optimally. I'll help you out with your diet and training split, support supps, cardio etc. And we'll see what you can do naturally before cycling. Because you don't achieve your current condition by knowing exactly what you're doing for 6 years, lol. So pm me when you're ready and we'll get you set up bro. I wanna see what you're made of, and how quickly you can learn.

mac1989's picture

I can say now the first 3 years were not the best as i used to party alot , the reason im looking to start now is i will be living abroad for 3 months also and dont wish to be on cycle while i am in another country especially the on where i will be living, as the medical services there are not up too scratch to say the least, its still possible to keep up with diet probably even more so as the food is more fresh and natural unlike the uk where everything is full of hormones and chemicals, but yeah if you could help me with diet, training and whatever else as im open to everything, and also id been on holiday without training a week befor these pics and lets just say i went a bit nuts with the food lol

Steel637's picture

If you are going to do arms with another bodypart, I would suggest grouping back/tris and chest /bis rather than back/bis, chest/tris. Reason I say this is because chest movements involve a lot of tricep. And likewise back with biceps. One muscle will always receive a less than optimum workout. For example, your triceps will be already somewhat fatigued from doing chest, so you aren't going to be able to lift as much weight when you go to train them. That's why I suggest traing bis after chest since they will be fresh and you can train them at 100% effort. Same goes for back and triceps. Both groups will get an equal effort and should get better gains.

mac1989's picture

Thanks for the tip mate i will switch it up then next week if i train 6 days a week i do a whole session for bis and tris b2b

ProFoTo's picture


Nice advice! I follow this same principle with arms...

mac1989's picture

pictures up

mac1989's picture

ill up a pic later

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