Smithy5840's picture
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+ 3 EQ/Test/Deca Kick


At the moment I am 5'9 and about 190lbs, 31 years old. I am very lean, with probably 6-8% body fat. This will be my 5th or 6th cycle, and am looking for some feedback. I have run all the gear I'm running in this cycle in the past, just never compounded like this or in this order. What do you guys think of the following?

WeekTest Sus/eodD-BolEQ/ every 3 daysnolvaclomid
1600mg50mg/ED900mg split into 3 for the wk
10 - 16800mg600mg
17 600mg
20 - 2250mg/ed100mg/ed
22 - 2325mg/ed50mg/ed
Makwa's picture

When was the last time you ran a cycle? What you are doing with the EQ and Deca doesn't make any sense. Pick one or the other if need be and run it for the proper duration.

Catalyst's picture

If you can, up the EQ to about 600mg/wk. That's then a nice little test / EQ run where you'll steadily gain and hold onto if your diet and pct are solid.

Catalyst's picture

31 years old

Your profile says 25. Clarify please.

with probably 6-8% body fat

It's a bit higher than that in those pics, 10 ish I'd say.

Quite difficult to see what you're doing with compounds / how much / when ever c due to the way you've laid it out. Can you tidy up / clarify?

Catalyst's picture

I was looking at it on my phone, assume that's why it looked all fked up as it looks fine now.

Ok, so there's a lot if work to do here. The deca and EQ are useless for those short runs. Have a look around the site, loads of good reading on both. Both of those compounds need to be run at least twice the length you're proposing.

Looks like you're making it too complicated in your head, hence the deca then EQ. Several paths available to you here. Test / deca, test / EQ. Seems like you're trying to do a mixture of both.

If you need help, drop me a line. Loads of info here for you to digest so take advantage of it. Sure the guys will drop in to help you out too.

Catalyst's picture

Ok - some pointers here as you've not seen much traffic.

12 weeks of EQ isn't worth it, it will barely be noticeable by the time you drop it. 16-18wk+

Deca and EQ similar? Not sure where you got that from, they are nothing alike other than they are both steroids. Quite a bizarre comparison to be honest! Have a read up on what they were designed to do in the medical / veterinary world.

PCT with the nolva and clomid timings is all messed up. Take a look at some even simple cycles posted up here to see how a standard pct is typically laid out.

Catalyst's picture

I'll sit back and let others throw their hat in for a bit and check back tomorrow to see how you're getting on.