Hercusmall's picture
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3rd Cycle guidance please


40 yrs old, 265 at 19%bf
Current Diet is about 4K calories a day.
I try to stay 50/30/10 Protein/carbs/fat
Blood Level T currently 985 (ng/dL)

I currently workout everyday 4 set of 8-10 reps progressively heavy
Cardio is minimal 5 - 10 minutes eod on 5% incline.

I'd like to put on about 10 to 15 pounds and reduce bf to 17%

Previous cycles:
1st cycle was Test-E 600mg split every week for 12 weeks with Arimidex @e3d or if I felt my problems with my chest (never did)
2nd cycle was Test-P 100mg eod for 4 weeks and Test-E 600mg split every week for 12 weeks with Arimidex @e3d

WeekTestosterone EnanthateDbol 50mgArimedexNolvadexClomid
1500mg 1/week50mg 1/week
2500mg 1/week50mg 1/week
3500mg 1/week50mg 1/week
4500mg 1/week50mg 1/week25mg eod
5500mg 1/week50mg 1/week25mg eod
6500mg 1/week25mg eod
7500mg 1/week25mg eod
8500mg 1/week25mg eod
9500mg 1/week25mg eod
10500mg 1/week25mg eod
11500mg 1/week25mg eod
12500mg 1/week25mg eod
Whitetrash's picture

You got good advice in your other post. This is laid out like a new cycle proposal but in the other post you said you have been pinning for 5 weeks. That could be confusing. This proposal is better but personally I think your bf is too high. Are you a power lifter?

On a separate note you would need to leave 2 weeks from the last test e shot before starting pct.

Hercusmall's picture


Yes I apologize, I wasn't exactly sure what was being asked. So I spoke to a few people on here who told me to lay it out and put exactly what I have taken ever. No I am not a power lifter. Just a guy with a big frame. Trying to put on a little size. I'd agree with the BF%. I am considering adding more cardio, just apprehensive.

I don't plan on running this just yet. I am still trying to get the issues with this current cycle corrected. I plan on ending my current cycle once my PCT come in, taking a month off, just wasn't sure if If I should start completely over or as if I had already taken one cycle.


flacidego's picture

Looks like you were advised on this post already:

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