EBSNW1's picture
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+ 33 They talk it, I live it !!


Haven't been on here for a little while, thought I'd come back with a pic...

A lot of lifters chat about that bodybuilding lifestyle, but many of them are all talk. It's time to stop talking about it, and start living it. Doing everything it takes to be the best you can be!

My physique may be far from perfect, but I know that I'm doing everything that I can to improve, so that one day I may reach my goals! It's been an epic journey so far, and I'm excited to find out where it's going.

Wish you all happy holidays!

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bundlz's picture

I sent you a FR request sir i see your not around here for 6 months but il take the chance by hoping you get an email notification if you have time to accept it i would like to ask you some quistions about training routines and cycles

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Slowly's picture

You've had a big change in muscle quality and hardness. I saw some of your old photos.
Tren is a fantastic compound but for now I prefer to stay away.
Thanks for stopping by my topic.

Danabolic's picture


stevem734's picture

What is PM's?

big_swol33's picture

You sir, are a Monster. Definitly something to strive for.

AlphaTiger2011's picture

Damn bro you're an inspiration lol

EBSNW1's picture

Thank you brother. Good to hear from you! Hope things are going well for you..Happy holidays.

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EBSNW1's picture

Currently I don't have the time for that, for now I'm helping via PMs. I plan to be around here more often soon. Merry christmas to you!

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EBSNW1's picture

Thanks man, happy to hear that. Merry christmas!

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EBSNW1's picture

Thanks bro...Happy holidays!

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Trenabolic's picture

There you go, stick around this time your one if the originals

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EBSNW1's picture

Hello my old friend, good to see you're still around! Hope everything is well...A merry christmas to you and your family!!

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growthman's picture

Stick around more big homie we all can benefit from your advice. Thanks for your time and help I appreciate it bro.

EBSNW1's picture

Thanks man, currently I'm planning to stick around as much as I can. Hopefully will be able to contribute more to the forums rather than just PMs as I'm currently doing.

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irongame427's picture

Wow. Now this is what a physique looks when you give it everything you got day in and day out for years and years and years. Mad respect bro. +2

EBSNW1's picture

Thank you man, much appreciated.

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Theophany's picture

Looking phenomenal my brother! Epically forged muscular, hard and dense physique! Thick tall traps, cannonball delts and mighty oak arms! Deep and impressive carved striations! Muscle bellies are full in harmony with prominent pleasing vascularity! Granted, no physique is perfect but I can see no flaws in yours! I wholeheartedly agree we should be our own worst critics for it catapults us to higher levels of excellence!
Masterfully accomplished! +2 for a great build and always being a consummate gentleman! Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous holiday season!

EBSNW1's picture

I could read your comments all day. They really brighten me up everytime I come across one of them. Thanks brother, for being such an awesome guy, and always having something nice and meaningful to say. It's comments like these, that really give that extra motivation.

Also wish you and your loved ones a happy holiday season, and of course great gains to you!

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bigJOHNstud's picture


metal4mosh's picture

My favorite physique on here bro cuz it's the look I'm going for my own i tried n find ur old advice on here too full of good stuff

EBSNW1's picture

Thanks man...Yeah haven't been able to post up too much lately...Hopefully in the future I'll have more chances to contribute to this amazing site, rather than just the correspondance through PMs.

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SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture

You're a monster man! Can tell you live and breath this lifestyle.

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EBSNW1's picture

Thanks bro.

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Baby Herc's picture

Words of wisdom....

j1980's picture

Great job man!

tonytulo's picture

Now that's what you look like when it truly is your life style and you eat, sleep, and shit bodybuilding. Many make the claims and have to talk a lot to back them selves up , but truth be if your as on point as you say your physique does all the talking. plus 1 from me brother

EBSNW1's picture

Thanks bro, you understand me...People need to be more critical with themselves and ask whether they really are doing everything that they possibly can in order to improve.

This is a lifestyle, a 24-hour hobby. Time to stop dreaming and start living. Many lifters aspire to certain goals, but are not doing what it takes to achieve them.

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tonytulo's picture

Most cant even stomach the amount of food. Instead of getting meals in they are skipping them to go out and drink etc if bodybuilding is a priority than your diet will be a priority. We eat eat and than eat some more, than we train , and when we aren't training we're thinking about the next session , and when we sleep we sleep for its benefits , not necessarily because we're tired. Food comes before all.

cd1's picture

Shit a brick.... thats how its done, would be interesting to see your cycle and food intake...FR. Sent if you have the time...plus 1

EBSNW1's picture

Thanks. Yeah no worries, ask away. I always answer my PMs, even if it takes a little longer sometimes. That's what I'm here for.

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EBSNW1's picture

Thank you bro...yeah I'ma try and be on here as much as possible now...Love this place!

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Jc74s's picture

Got dam man the separation is crazy man

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JASON_C's picture

You are not far from perfect...+1

EBSNW1's picture

Thank you bro! But as you know, a bodybuilder is always his own biggest critic. Doubt I would have managed to come this far without being like that. It's what keeps me motivated, it gives me the drive I need to become better.

But the reassurance from others also gives me a lot of motivation to keep going!

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Steveking1980's picture

Welcome back and very easy to tell yur dedicated-nice work-would love to see a befor and after pic-maybe next time--thanks for giving me some more motivation+1

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EBSNW1's picture

Hey man, thanks a lot. I have uploaded older pics of myself in the past, but never any of how I looked before I started training. Probably better that way though, lol. I looked ridiculous.

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Steveking1980's picture

Awe man I'd love to see them-others prob would also-
Hope to see a the total transformation brotha-looking good

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vhman's picture



EBSNW1's picture

Thanks bro, appreciate it. Happy gains to you!

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vhman's picture

That's what we all want for the holidays!