EBSNW1's picture
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+ 12 Distended Guts? - No thanks!


As you may know, many of the "bigger" guys have those distended stomachs...My goal was always to keep a slim waist with a set of good-looking abs.

So far I've been doing alright in that department I guess...You be the judge.

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Levrone's picture

Did someone seriously give this a thumb down? Looking fucking great bro!

vhman's picture

You have these large lumps on your abdomen. You should get that checked out. ;-)

Looking great. No distension that I can see.


SwOleGuy2012's picture

Fuarking ripped!

Bigman111's picture

Impressive abs brother!! +1

chubb's picture


manbearpig's picture

nice job! what do you do differently to prevent that?

EBSNW1's picture

Thanks bro...First off I do vacumes regularly, as well as keep my portion sizes relatively small and rather increase the meal frequency. Secondly, I don't go crazy on the slin/GH combo. Lastly, I watch out that my ab muscles don't become too massive.

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SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture

I just heard about vacuums yesterday watching a rich piana video. He also talks about portion sizes and eating smaller meals more often.

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glowinthedark's picture

i have the distended gut a bit, never used insulin, only used peptides as far as gh, but my portons have always been huge.. another thing is i used to consume many many shakes, however if i suck it in and flex it looks very aesthetic

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