romangod's picture
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+ 12 NAPS GP test cyp 250 disappointed again !!!


Here we go again !! Ive been running NAPS GP test cyp 250 for 5 weeks prior to bloods. batch # gp743f. These were replacements for an underdosed batch that naps asked me not to post the blood results for. I have been pinning 125 mg 2X/w Bloods were drawn on saturday at 11:30 ish am. Last pin was wednesday at 7pm..
Naps had sent me lab tests on the raws on their new batches (not done byangus) I am very disappointed with these results. My levels on watson cyp at 80 mg /w were471. ON THE GP AT 3X the dose i only hit 600s ??? I have had a few negative experiences with NAPS that have been solved. I dont think I can recover from this one. If you ee something that im missing please let me know..

I will adjust my dosage to hpefully hit the high normal mark. hoping to get between 900 -1100. I have 70 ml of this stuff left, I guess ill make the best of it

I probably didnt need it but i was taking liquis anastrozole by bluesky peptides at .25 2x/w

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romangod's picture

You are the man Angus.... NAPS is mentioning you over and over.... Even back on the fake pharma testoviron amps. Im sure that Im not the first to do bloods on this batch. So people just dont want the hassle and settle quietly. I WANT NOTHING ! All I can reccomend is that eroiders get bloods done regularly if they can... Using this stuff to cruise...

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SwOleGuy2012's picture

So let me see if I got this right. You're pinning 250 per week right? With right under 700 total test as the result.

romangod's picture

That is correct sir...

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SwOleGuy2012's picture

A little crappy, I would say about 20-30% under what I would expect

ProFoTo's picture

+1 for bloods...

I have some of the same batch... :(

This isn't the first time I have seen this and to be honest, after using some other top domestic sources gear, I have been starting to come to the conclusion that many of the Geneza products are underdosed.. I don't have bloods to prove this though and granted Geneza gear has always given me results, but I have to run high dosages to get those results, which offsets the price discounts you get from the weekly specials... :/

romangod's picture

Im just glad that I found out... Im using the geneza to cruise.. I have 70 ml left of this batch and 40 from the underdosed batch before.... I will adjust my dose to achieve desired cruising level. To be honest, I feel pretty damn good right now. But im gonna bump it up a bit anyway !!! These were half price product of the week...... sometimes you get what you pay for....

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Champion Of The Mind's picture

hmm... idk what to think about this. kinda bummed bro +1 for you troubles.

NapsGear's picture

Out of options here. Angus tested all the testosterone raw powders for us and they were all good for Chinese standards. I'm not doubting anything here but you also tested low on original Testoviron. I have a customer support guy who is at 200mg watson cyp and his levels are 500 for some reason. Again I'm not trying to tell any bs stories here. I've sent so many free samples to the guys here to show us the bloods. Can't wait to see them posted. May be you should try another lab and let us know too.

manbearpig's picture

Can you post the results angus sent you on the raw testosterone powders?

romangod's picture

X2 I was set lab work from a foreign country that uses a different method than angus. I wuld like to see tests done on the oils !!!

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iintensity's picture

That's sucks I would expect numbers 3x as high.

romangod's picture

I was hoping for 1200s

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romangod's picture

Im still gonna run it !! LOL im just gonna adjust for quality..

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abidkhan's picture

I am very surprised! Smh +1 for the bloods tho.

KK9111's picture

No bueno +2 for the bloods

romangod's picture

Thanks bro.... Im gonna cruise on this for a while. Im still recovring from rotator cuff surgery. NO lifting for a while so no blasting. quads ae growing a bit though. LOL

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romangod's picture

Im glad thay you dont have these either. At least I can adjust my dosage accordingly. I think the bloodwork costs more than the test cyp !! LOL thats what sux !!

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Big Pimp Daddy's picture

Damn. I don't know man. Should be double that. I've never used the cyp but gp prop was very good for me. I'm drawing bloods on the testoviron and gp Adex tomorrow so it will be interesting to see what I score on them compared to what you did

romangod's picture

Il be lookng for those bloods !!! The GP adex worked well for me when I used it... It was good enough for me to repurchase...

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romangod's picture

I will bro.. thanks

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romangod's picture

Yes I know.... It sucks! Bad luck numerous times... Moving on. Their hyges were great ....

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