tread-m's picture
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+ 28 Blood Pressure Help


Every once in a while We see a blood pressure question and the truth is, its probably the biggest health hazard when it comes to doing what we do. Most of the young guys running gear, I was one once upon a time, just look at roid rage as kinda cool often and dont really realize it is likely the result of high blood pressure. High blood pressure could be responsible for a large percentage of all disease related to cardiovascular or organ issues. We should talk about it more and in my opinion there should be no single person running gear without a BP monitor. I figured it out many years after running my first gear, I thought rage just meant I was a badass! Lol. So anyway my answer is cardio early and often, eat as clean as possible and take my omega3 fish oil along with a few other heart supps....hopefully everyone can drop in their control methods and thoughts. I happen to believe even blood pressure medication is a good thing if you need it when compared to just letting it get out of hand. It is depreciating you which is the opposite of what we are all trying to do to begin with. A motor that runs nice and smooth that granny drives will last longer than one in Goths ride given he just boils the tires at every intersection and thinks he's so fuckin cool with his dollar store jewelry and his felt hat and gold tip cane! TELL US WHATS WORKING FOR YOU....

T_luva's picture

Lmaoooo...I feel you on the flavor factor, I used to try to mix 1 tsp of tumeric and 1 tsp of cayenne in 8oz of low sodium V8.... was horrible so I quit after a few times. May try it again and just hold my nose. I take beetroot extract but Im sure real beets have much more benefit. Thanks again my man!

joker's picture

What a trip! I don't hear of to many people knowing about turmeric. I had the guys at work try it out and the ones that did got better, the ones that didn't because how bad it taste were sick for weeks and hell a few were even hospitalized. So if that's not proof enough then lynch me. You can't ever seem to get the shit fully desolved in anything, so your right on the money hold your nose and swallow. I never have tried beetroot extract. When I was a kid my G'ma used to can them and when I started eating them they were so good I kept on eating. Well .the next day I was crapping and fishing red' thought it was blood and freaked out. I remember running to my dad saying I'm dying I'm dying and had to show him my crap. First thing he said you were in G'ma's canned beets. I grew up in a Italian family so everything we ate was from a garden, field, orchard, ranch always fresh I miss it really wish my kids had the same opportunity.

joker's picture

Bp has to be checked during a relaxed period of time otherwise stresses and such will raise it sporadically.

joker's picture

Drink chamomile tea a few of them just before going in. This is a natural mellowing tea and take some aspirin. Normally you want to be on aspirin for atleast a couple of days, but take a good dose of aspirin and this should thin your blood enough to pass the BPD test. But we really need to find out why is your bp so high I know I just had mine checked and I'm @140-84 Dr said with my stress at the moment she can understand. But it's not that bad she says I know why mine is high it's that train I'm on. Hexarelin helps a little as well. But yea dude you need to do some natural remedies and eat healthier you can bring these levels down.

normal's picture

A friend was recently laid out for a few months when he started his blood pressure meds, said they made him feel 4x worse than chemotherapy with interferon. Great to see the tips.

Idahospud's picture

I finally asked for med's. On 2 a beta blocker which regulates the heart beat, keeps it from spiking as well as lowers BP and a BP med. I'll spell these wrong beta is metropol and BP is lisinopril. I like it BP is normal, the beta keeps u calm.

joker's picture

Dead nuts! Brother fix the problem don't mask it.

stevexcitement's picture

Half of lemon juiced, 4 oz of natural cranberry juice, 1 tbsp of organic apple cider vinegar, in 12 ounces of water, stir and chug it! Good liver cleanse

Neo-istheone's picture

how often would you drink this every day for a week or just one day?

joker's picture

Ed for atleast a week. Then in moderation, you can reverse the acid balance in your system and that is somthing you should avoid. But it is a good remedy. If you want to do a good kidney cleanse boil red beats tall tender pill the skin off ad some wine vinegar and wall la. One of the best kidney cleansers. will piss and shit red for fe okw days. Always pinning and green tea. As well the beets saved my ass once.

normal's picture

How about juiced whole red beets? I have a half one juiced (through a masticating juicer) about 3 days a week, but never pissed red!
My wife had been making the juice, and suspect she was using less than half a beet. I just juiced a whole one with carrot, celery and ginger. Just had a cup of red dye!

joker's picture

I read that by eating the beet you absorb more or the nutrients that sit in the intestinal tract longer allowing a certain enzyme to help with cleansing type kidneys and to help break down and prevent kidney stones. I was having bad kidney infections and pain all th e medicine type docs gave me only helped for a little bit. Then I began reading up on natural remedies for kidney problems and they all pointed at red beets. They can't be canned! They have to be fresh and boiled till tender then peeled. You only have so much time to eat them after this otherwise the enzyme begins to slowly lose its potency. I was pissing and crapping red but that's a good sign. You do this for a couple of weeks to a month, and then once or twice a week as a maintenance routine. I noticed a huge difference and it's time for me to do it again. My urine has been to yellowish brownish for awhile now and it's time to flush the system. They taste great with carrots and a little wine vinegar.

joker's picture

Another remedy I have used. Works great.

joker's picture

A friend of mine is in the high 300's 40 yrs old I want to say 380 somthing really doc was telling him he's close to having a heart attack. Him and I have been running the same UGL gear him longer then me and when I had my levels checked I was 180 I have never had problems before that. We were running a simple deca test cycle. But really what MG were we running IDK. One pin a week type of cycle and we both were beasty. Him more so then me he's like 5'7" 240lbs and solid head to toe. He has been off cycle for awhile now, think god! Our local is gone so he can't just start up again. He's doing a lot better now and he's not losing much gains but he is slimming down a lot. I wont give him anything that will increase his Bp until I see proof his BP is back in check. It really is a scary problem it's like the grim reaper is constantly standing over you with out you even knowing. This can and will kill you in your sleep. Funny people are more afraid of plane crashes or being slammed by a semi on the road, but not afraid of something they knowingly can avoid with proper maintenance.

IronMind's picture

No offense bud but that is terrible advice! Let me break it down...there is a concentration gradient between your cells and blood with potassium levels. Most potassium is found in your cells. What maintains this gradient is a Na+/K+ pump (Sodium/Potassium) found on the outside of cells to maintain this higher concentration of K+ in cells. If you took large amounts of potassium your blood levels become hyperkalemia(too high in K+ concentration).... causing problems such as cardiac arrhythmia or sudden death. Obviously if think about what I mentioned before with the high concentration of potassium in cells once you flood your bloodstream you lose this concentration gradient and the Na/K pump stops functioning on cells therefore stopping your cells. A few things I know: Potassium Chloride is administered for lethal injection...It's also used during heart surgery to stop the heart from beating cause they don't work on a "moving" heart. So yeah I'd be hard for someone to ingest this much potassium at once...but if you eat shit loads of it everyday consistently thinking you're going to alleviate your might just alleviate more than that!

IronMind's picture

Umm yeah that's what I said. Obviously it'd need to be a ridiculous amount to ingest at once. I mean if you're drinking adequate water throughout the day anyways high potassium blood levels are filtered through the kidneys. But over an extended period of time having a very high potassium intake that will lead to levels built up coupled with water retention can lead to problems such as hyperkalemia conditions. Wasn't trying to scare anyone away from potassium intake...just as the saying goes everything in moderation! Browsing through these forums some "less knowledge" people tend to follow advice a little too close to heart...don't wanna see someone go on a crazy potassium diet(eating shit-loads) throughout their cycle and end up having complications which would definitely happen as well if they were unaware of an unknown kidney aliment.

IronMind's picture

This is a perfect spot to post a few tips about BP supporting supplements: 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar a week will help reduce blood pressure and water retention...obviously this would be very beneficial those running compounds such as Test-E to help combat bloat and high BP. Also those who use Hawthorne Berry Extract YOU MUST pre-load this supplement a week or two prior to starting your cycle as it will initially RAISE your BP since it works through dilation! Once it has accumulated in your system it will lower your BP for the duration of your cycle if taken regularly. One other great effect is hawthorn berry appears to eliminate plaque. As plaque begins to form along the arterial walls, the blood vessels narrow. But the flavonoids seem to prevent the plaque from forming along the walls and reduce the amount of low-density lipoprotein (the bad cholesterol) in your bloodstream. With less plaque, your blood pressure falls.

joker's picture

That's funny you brought up apple cider vinegar. My great grandma's health remedy to all. I have it on hand always, I was having bad water retention and had to force my kidneys to flush and what do you know it worked 1tbl spoon 3xed my grandma lived to 106.
The stuff taste like shit but it's healthy for you so why not. You do have to watch you acid levels as not to over do it. But you are right about the potassium issue I was reading up on the dangers potassium can pose to kidneys and heart if the levels get out of hand. Its deadly honestly! I read up on it trying to figure out why I was having a major arthritic flare up lasting over a month. Doctor gave me prednisone and helped but still wanted to cure it with out prednisone.

IronMind's picture

Lol...nothing is good for your teeth. Anything acidic such as vinegar, soda, or even juice will cause wear on tooth enamel. Does that you mean you must drink all juice/soda through a straw? It's really up to you...But personally I don't "drink" apple cider vinegar anyways that's be nasty lol! I use it along with spices to marinate chicken. This was just a health tip I learned which I thought useful as it has double benefit to combating water retention and BP...Ain't like I'm measuring that shit out precisely as a dosage!

Framboise's picture

vinegar gets BP down very fast, just mix with water and slowly keep drinking it

subs33's picture

Good Post tread..+1 Like your really need anymore points..Blood pressure is very inportant to keep an eye on..As a matter of fact in need to get some Coq10, Hawthornberry, red yeast supps..My blood pressure is a bit high..

DBG's picture

Invest in a simple BP cuff...they got an assortment of them on Amazon for anywhere from around $30 something and up. Great investment!! Oh, and take triple strength dose of fish oil complex and CoQ10, lots of water, and low salt.

joker's picture

3 shots of apple cider vinegar a day boiled beets, omega3's and eat low cholesterol and sodium foods. I always warm up with cardio 10-20 min speed cycling, I sweat like mad.

Tenacity1's picture

All, I wanted to clarify something that helped me.

Everyone says do cardio, and I was but that was not what really helped. I always managed to find an AC vent or fan aimed at my chosen stairmaster or treadmill, so I wasn't sweating enough.

I changed to doing the same machine, not near a vent or fan, until I was soaking wet from sweat. This helped the minor edema I was dealing with, along with my BP. I also sit in the steam room after I workout.

So, when everyone says cardio, that in itself is not enough, you have to sweat buckets, that is the desired effect to get maximum benefit.

NYMoto1's picture

I do not believe in Roid Rage, with that said a clean low sodium diet should bring BP to the lower levels. I hate Cardio and who does not. Currently my BP is 120/70 no Meds involved. EVERY person who is on and those that are not should know their numbers.

joebig517's picture

I have bp probz,fast sudden heart beats and dizzyness burst blood vessles gettin it in check now so i can do my cycle for me its stress so if someones stressin u or something is gettin to you sort tht b4 doing a cycle also diet is key to sorten hypertension.bp is the silent killer !

bigrigger's picture

blood pressure is never an issue as long as I hit the treadmill pre-workout.Half hour and I am g2g

guest1337's picture

After completing a 12wk test e/p kicker followed by a through PCT and time on+ time off, my BP is still higher than it was before my cycle....

Any advice? I have been wanting to start another but my BP is still in the 150's...