tread-m's picture
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+ 28 Blood Pressure Help


Every once in a while We see a blood pressure question and the truth is, its probably the biggest health hazard when it comes to doing what we do. Most of the young guys running gear, I was one once upon a time, just look at roid rage as kinda cool often and dont really realize it is likely the result of high blood pressure. High blood pressure could be responsible for a large percentage of all disease related to cardiovascular or organ issues. We should talk about it more and in my opinion there should be no single person running gear without a BP monitor. I figured it out many years after running my first gear, I thought rage just meant I was a badass! Lol. So anyway my answer is cardio early and often, eat as clean as possible and take my omega3 fish oil along with a few other heart supps....hopefully everyone can drop in their control methods and thoughts. I happen to believe even blood pressure medication is a good thing if you need it when compared to just letting it get out of hand. It is depreciating you which is the opposite of what we are all trying to do to begin with. A motor that runs nice and smooth that granny drives will last longer than one in Goths ride given he just boils the tires at every intersection and thinks he's so fuckin cool with his dollar store jewelry and his felt hat and gold tip cane! TELL US WHATS WORKING FOR YOU....

AZDMD's picture

L-theanine is probably the most beneficial ingredient of the three because it is actually used for hypertension, stress and anxiety. The nattokinase works on blood circulation, kinda like l-arginine does in all of these n.o. boosters.

knowledge's picture

Quick note guys....If you are new to Gear a higher elevated blood pressure is to be expected. Unless your some fat dude on gear then who the hell knows? You have it all figured out. Steroids and Nutri System combo....Your on your way!

ch4el5onnen's picture

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet but sodium is another big one. Watch your sodium intake. The daily reccomended value is I believe 3000-3500 mg/day but cutting that in half would help reduce a BP as well. Maybe even limit yourself to around 2 grams of salt/day. Osmosis is basically what happens with high salt intake. Where salt or sodium goes water WILL go. Ever eaten a crap load of sunflower seeds and just felt fat and weighed about 2-3 extra lbs? Thats why. Where salt goes water goes and when there is more water weight on your body; just like when your holding water weight from T or dbol and the list can go on, it makes it harder for your blood to circulate easily through out your body and reach all the right places. Then your heart also has to work harder. All while this is going on you may not even feel it or have any effects. That is why high BP is called "the silent killer'. Imagine a garden hose. When you leave the hose alone the water flows naturally. When you need the water to travel further (comparing to the circulatory system here) you need to restrict or clamp down on the hose hence vasoconstriction and/or high BP. Sometimes you can do everything in your power to lower your BP and may even be doing everything right. In this case it is most likely hereditary and you may have to get on a beta blocker or some type of diuretic. Hope this made sense. Im kind of all over the place. Damn redbull.

ch4el5onnen's picture

I also forgot to mention resvertrol, green tea extract fish oils like T already mentioned and my secret weapon....lisinopril, just started it after years of high bp. After I started epo and gear my bp sky rocketed so I had to get on an ace-inhibitor.

JOEDIEZ's picture

awe damn not again, well i guess with the bologna grrrls finger aint nothing. party on my brotha party on. lol crazy ass

Greg's picture

I don't ever want to know what you're doing with KY jelly and a 3lb bologna...

Braveone's picture

I'm surprised no one had mentioned it here but Hawthorne berry works very well for me and its cheap as hell. I'm a 130/90 guy on gear and it brings it down 8 points or so at about 1000gm (two pills) a day. Just my tc.

djphobia1200's picture

I know this one sounds funny but I have heard about transcendental meditation having a profound impact. Match that up with cardio and a lower sodium diet and you can see drops in the range of 15-20 points. Throw in progressive muscle relaxation and you can get another 5 and 3 systolic diastolic respective point drop. These are reasons why countries that meditate frequently stroke and heart attack are lower in the cause of death ladder.

Mekanik's picture

I am no yogi and do not practice TM' but I have mild BP issues... if I sit down w/ my BP monitor and relax ( close my eyes and breathe ) for a few minutes I can drop my BP by 10 points or more. There is truth in that for sure...

but I still do my cardio !

Mekanik's picture

you are smarter than I look' :?

flip187's picture

I have seen alot of posts about diet and cardio playing a major role in lowering your blood pressure due to juice. If you are not genetically predisposed to HBP and you are certain it's the gear, a good suggestion is to donate blood every 4-6 weeks. When I used to go to the clinic and get a shot a week, (total fucking ripoff BTW), I would give blood every 6 weeks. When you are on test your blood thickens and can cause a strain on the heart. This possibly leads to HBP and worse conditions. Just my 2C

Mekanik's picture

correct again - I just discussed this w/ my doc... ( thick blood here )
I think I also read this recently I bought a few books on eating/diet/health. I think it was the Dr Oz book...

slipperyslope's picture

Any possible issues with donating blood with all the abnormal hormone levels/chemicals we have in our system during a cycle?

ch4el5onnen's picture

B vitamins and iron help produce the red blood cells while Vitamin E, and D help prolong their life. Oh and folic acid too. I started supplementing these a few months back and its also very neccesary when your running an epo cycle or just doing any type of endurance sport. Baby aspirin 2x day. Anytime your crit gets too high your suppost to donate blood to lower BP and thin it out. High BP, and thick blood are both common sides of epo as well. Thought Id throw that out since were talking hemotology. My BP has always been on the high side no matter what I do. Its hereditary for me. I have to watch my sodium no more than 3500 a day and that can get tricky sometimes. Someone was telling me beet root juice helped and it did seem to lower my bp the few wks I was drinking it.

chemari's picture

Red yeast rice makes wonders dealing with high cholesterol, but is known for raising liver enzimes, so better not taking along with 17aa orals.

slipperyslope's picture

I'm getting a BP monitor! Thanks for the post.

7gothic's picture

Same here. Outstanding idea.

mike23's picture


7gothic's picture

Felt hat??lol
Just call Huggy Bear.
My Bp is up, and started cardio last week.
Keeping a cool head is vital. This is good info, and I'm taking notes. But just like the recent blood test blog here, it seems most of these guys are deaf and blind to anything but shortcuts.