7gothic's picture
  • 750

+ 1 EBC: Summer 2012



  1. Patsfit
    You were chosen because you added new muscle at an age where muscle is hard to come by and goes quickly. Keep the fact that you're wearing Depends Undergarments to yourself, and the youg guys at the gym will bow before you.

  2. Wallabookie
    You were chosen because you added beef as a seasoned bodybuilder, which is harder than doing it as a newb...MUCH harder. I could have went with Phil just as easily, but Phil leaned out and shredded so much. If this had been the next EBC (6 week comp) Phil would have won easily over everybody, and I expect him to place in the next one coming up in a couple weeks.
    Jhendo---You struck a great balance between fat loss and was still able to add significant muscle---a sure sign of effective, legit gear.

  3. Texbigboy
    You added significant beef to a tall lanky frame and an ugly face. That's not easy, and you may actually have a shot at attracting a woman now.

  4. Alphatiger
    You went from gyno to Rhino brother. When you first came here to eroids, I was sitting here looking at your pics, and I told grrrl..."this is exactly the type of guy who should not be jumping into steroid use---not until he loses some fat and builds a little muscle". You have done that and more my friend.


EBC Rules: 

needs an update

EBC Donors: 

EBC START DATE-------7-14-12
EBC END DATE---------10-1-12

fast48's picture

Bulker....so just flat out most bulk? Or adding on clean 15?

Keith23's picture

Hahaha!!! MEroids!!!! Lmfao!

z400csracing's picture

I wanted to run this ebc. but.im not trying to.bulk yet. so I guess I'll pass on this one and.come on the next! I jus started a cutter then a bulker

shrapnel's picture

Can i come to meroids too? I'd make an excellent towell boy for you guys...... come on i want in too!

shrapnel's picture

Ebc on an island... survivor style!!!! Hell yeah that sounds awesome! As far as hut swapping goes.... what happens on the island... stays on the island!

girlrilla's picture

Count me in! Lol

Pepwarehouse's picture

is this an all out bulk?

Gorillafit's picture

Let's do this biatch! Did you post rules and poses yet?

7gothic's picture

Very similar to the Spring EBC....I'll get them finalized soon.

AlphaTiger2011's picture

Hell ya, let the games begin,, good luck to everybody that joins, your gonna need it lol

shrapnel's picture

Beast Mode: ACTIVATED!

shrapnel's picture

Did someone say Donkey Kong?!

shrapnel's picture

I am Donkey Kong! Donkey Kong Country is the best!

shrapnel's picture

'Aight Diddy ;)

shrapnel's picture

LOL wish i had a thousand ccs of test...... im down to only 500....

Engineereddisaster's picture

Way to keep it positive Goth. I hope when I am your age that I can still have that kind of confidence and hope. That hope that forgets the arthritis, grey hair, dentures, bingo losses, canes, walkers etc. and says dammit, I won't let my age get the best of me! My parents are just a few years younger than you and its a daily struggle for them to just get out of bed in the morning. I'm just glad to see that you haven't given up and let all of those many many years of life get you down. You are an inspiration to us all. Keep going Goth, you have my vote!

Engineereddisaster's picture

Haha. I'm pretty sure that I just pissed the few karma points that I have out the window with that smartass remark. Possibly a ban. LMAO

Engineereddisaster's picture

Nah, my parents are way older than Goth. LOL. I just wanted to motivate him with a little asshattery.

7gothic's picture


LOL....is that a word?
It is now.

Engineereddisaster's picture

Yes, Asshattery... Similiar to Douchebaggery yet cooler and more composed.

shrapnel's picture

My personal fav was used to describe a complete ownage on an intense halo deathmatch:SLAUGHTERFUCKED!

AlphaTiger2011's picture

Couple more days!!

shrapnel's picture

So tread are you gonna post a seperate ebc entry thread with poses, rules etc?

shrapnel's picture

Lol Meant to say goth lol! ;)

subs33's picture

Well, its about time...Im assuming its a bulker..Well im goin to enter and im goin for a lean bulk..so, all yalls that are swalling abombs like tic tacks, congrats...And the others that are just gaining back what they lost from the first ebc, congrats as well..lol

Im doin it for myself and also to put some theories to test..Thanks again to my sponcer (SBZ)..The goal is to gain lean quality muscle and a pinch of mass...so basicly a recomp. The goal is to be only 5 or 6 pounds heavier but look 10-15pound heavier.

This time my diet will dictate my gains. I will be looking for official rules for photo entries.

shrapnel's picture

Good luck subs!

subs33's picture

Thanks...A bulk in mid summer...lol I sweat about a gallon of water in our 98 degree 98 percent humidity weather, while doin yard work...I rehydrate at night a drink loads of water, thou..but still..lol

Thanks, like i said its more for myself and decipline with a high calorie all clean food diet. Also, to represent SBZ.. tHANK S BRO

eire77's picture

in it to WIN it!!! Lookin to get HUGE!!!

subs33's picture

you, must be runnin a dboll deca/test stack??? My sponcer donated to me a lean bulk stack..I think ima mix test e and test c, so I can up my slow ester test. It should help add bulk along with the other compounds for lean clean muscle..Also, adding an AI, thanks to tread..

We shall see..Diet is my main anabolic this time...I will be keeping a log of everything and plan on adding it to our community cycle forum when were done ;)

eire77's picture

Hey bro you been reading my pms?? :-) :-) yeah bang on, dbol,deca,test ,really lookin forward to a blast im gonna do 16 week long esters il throw my pics into the mix ,eat,eat eat mfos :-) :-)

subs33's picture

No, I just guessed..ill send ya a friend request..most likely a first timer would winn with a stack like that, provided the quality is good..I havent seen your pics, ill check them out..i dought your a first timer with a stack like that though..lol

eire77's picture

This cycles good for me subs :-) iv never run it before, so yeah your right it is a first timer stack, more than enough to beat your smarmy ass!!!

subs33's picture

Lookin good your stacked..lean and clean.

shrapnel's picture

Well brian have u recouped and hows your plan going ;);)????

eire77's picture

Yeah just about shrap :-) that last ebc just a 7 week cruise my man, lookin forward to a good old blast!!! :-) and beat your girilla ass this time ;) hows all goin your end pal??

shrapnel's picture

Everything is pretty muc in place! Ready to rock pretty much.... just trimming off some fat from cheats in mean time...

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