RickRock1086's picture
  • 257



Ok mates, i'm 25 Y/O, 5'10". 180 pounds, 5% B/F. And well in January i started my first cycle for the first time after doing a lot of research and reading:
Dianabol: Week 1-4
Test E: Week 1-8
Clomipehen: Week 11-13
As a result i gained roughly 25 pounds and totally change my body overall, unfortunately i end up with real bad acne in Chest and Back, is bad i don't wanna take my shirt of in front of anybody because it looks horrible. any one knows why? And anything i can buy to get rid of this Acne?

Bman's picture

I had acne show up on my chest and back also after my first cycle. I naturally have oily skin also. I shower twice a day on workout days also. Tried countless tricks. Ended up on a generic for accutane from dermatologist. 3 months in and 85% - 90% cleared up. that crap works but, has a lot of side effects that you have to deal with.

RickRock1086's picture

Thanks mate, at this point is getting better from the shit i being trying my self from people that recommend me some stuff plus the shit i got from dermatologist. I will keep those 2 drugs(adex,aromasin) in mind for next cycle(if i decide to do another cycle)

RickRock1086's picture

Thanks mate!

JOEDIEZ's picture

here is one if anyone has input, i got acne AFTER i came off cycle and didnt have any problem while on and been off 3 months and still have it?

Everclese1's picture

I use biore blackhead scrub on face, chest, and shoulders. Then after shower I use oxy maximum pads and wipe all above areas ed, until my skin gets dry, then I stop using the oxy pads in that area. Seems to help pretty well...

1stOverall's picture

Not ripping on your bud, but i dont understand why people dont take pre cautions when they know they will be running a cycle. I shower twice a day with unscented bar soap to dry out my skin. I never wear the same shirt twice if it hasnt been washed and i wash my bed sheets once a week. Call me OCD but i rarely get any pimples on my cycles at all.

Why wait for something to happen when you can just prevent it in the first place?

RickRock1086's picture

I'm a neat freak, i would NEVER wear a shirt twice and ALWAYS shower morning and night after working/training. The sheets of my bed get change every day(Lucky me). Besides i got real oily skin. But this shit got really out of control a week ago. Thank god they only popping on back and chest and not the face LOL. I'm currently using this shit the dermatologist gave me and i see is working pretty good.

jpal's picture

bro running test e for only 8 weeks is kinda a waste in my opinion should be ran for no less than 10 and if you did enough research you would have seen that 10-12 weeks for a test e or c cycle is standard not sure where you got your info

RickRock1086's picture

I did follow doctor instructions, he did not recommend me to run it for 10 weeks(Which i don't really see much different between 8-10 weeks, that was only 4 more cc) since this was my first cycle and he want it to see how my body was going to react to such substances. May be you know more than a certified nutritionist from Texas A&M.

RickRock1086's picture

Thanks a lot for the links Greg!!!

RickRock1086's picture

Any helpful comment?

RickRock1086's picture

Thanks, i actually was taken Test E 250 mg twice a week Optimal Labs. Dianabol 25 mg/day Russian D-bol(This lil 5mg pills are fire) . And as of right now everything is fine, libido still same after 4 weeks off, i kept all the gains and of course i still going 5 days/week to hit the weights. It was just the dang Acne it's just too bad. And next time i will try a different ester such Prop, And again thanks for the info Mr. tread-m

RickRock1086's picture

My appointment is next Wednesday, to take pics of my heart, check my liver and cholesterol levels after this first cycle. I keep you guys informed about with the result about using this drugs, I have to say it, my strength & speed are better, my endurance is the one that got bad. Hopefully the info i get from this people would help me, hopefully i don't get caught using substances, but they sure do help improve.