DBolPin's picture
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I have been running a variety of hgh for the last year.I change it up for a couple months at a time and see how my results vary.This is the first time using genotrop.A part of me is hoping I don't see any big difference.I ran hyges before this and will follow with generics.After my follow up with naps generics I am gonna write about my differing experiences and blood works and come to a coclusion about what is best for the money.I cant afford this or I obviously would just do it.At this cost its just not worth it to me.I will start at 2iu and go to 5.Shall see.

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Relax007's picture

Instructions on how to use. http://vimeo.com/89640470

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Relax007's picture

After using pharm grade and Hyges, you won't look back after using those pens. The hyges and generics have nothing on these. I will never use Hyges or generics again. I actually just got my 4 pens in the mail as well.

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noob143's picture

Listen bro I'm going to Fr you. I want to talk to you about a cheaper alternative to growth. And it's safer than externally administered growth hormone.

chubb's picture

i want to know to ben wanting to get hgh to lower fat percentage

ScorchedEarth's picture

I have black generics, hyges yellow top, and pens. Interesting to see your results

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