White Bolt's picture
White Bolt
  • 19

+ 10 Total Testosterone 475ng/dl from Test 300mg/w


i was surprised to see such a low total testosterone ng/do after running 300mg/w for the last six months. i have since switched brands and hope for something a little closer to 1,000 next labs.

currently running trenbolone (350mg/w) and anavar (50mg/d) the last six weeks prior to taking this lab.

pre cycle labs had every value in normal range, now my cholesterol is out of wack, RBC/hemocrit/hemoglobin (need to donate blood), and creatinine and bilirubin (always elevated on cycle).

should i be concerned about these bloods or do anything to lower this cholesterol before i have a heart attack? thanks for any input.

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press1's picture

Those are actually really good Liver results considering the Tren and anavar for the last 6 weeks before these were done, I wouldn't expect them to be huge but I'd expect more like 50 than 18!!! Do you take TUDCA or anything heavy duty like that? They will of lowered the eGFR a little.

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Bill1976's picture

This source has three new perfect reviews by a one day old account a five day old account and a week old account. Every week he has three or four reviews by accounts that are days old. Guys I never seen on eroids. So they buy from this source then make an eroids account and revjew? Fuck that.

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TnTerror88's picture

It blows that this src sucks so bad. If he’d just sling legit gear then this site could easily have been in the top ones. Now I understand how he has cheap prices tho- almost everything is wayy underdosed or not dosed at all. Profit margins must be insane. Idk how anyone could send money to them.

Bill1976's picture

Hell no. I seen pics a member posted pics this guys gear that was black and rancid. Stuff could have gave him an infection and killed him. This guy is a danger to people with his gear. What happens when he sells fake anti estrogens and guys get gyno. Look at some of the contaminated stuff and fake stuff he sold In Past reviews. This guys gonna get somebody seriously hurt with the stuff he’s selling. The pics are still on his page.

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KillswitchEngage's picture

In before "factory make mistake, they fix problem. Test now potent again."

Bill1976's picture

Yup and that was two years ago. Gambling with peoples lives

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Bill1976's picture

Now this source has these fake accounts that are less than a few hours old leaving reviews saying how this guy is lying and the gear is good and viagra is good. Fuck this source and fake reviews. Thanks for posting bloods

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Makwa's picture

Var and tren have flipped your cholesterol. Time to drop var if been on for 6 weeks already and start mega dosing some omegas. There is a little bit of test in that vial because the tren would have shut you down hard and basically crash to your test. So there is a little in there but it is way underdosed. I would expect something >1500 at that dose.

ECinfidel's picture

Well you're cholesterol is off the mark so at least the var may be somewhat legit. However the test clearly isn't. Shocked you haven't been accused of working for another source to slander his stellar reputation.

Bill1976's picture

This source is always a cluster fuck. 80% of his gear is fake

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FlemDaddyKush's picture

There's been so many bad things with this source I don't know why people still buy from them and how they are even back on the top 10 list. Sorry to see those results from bloodwork, those test levels look like a natty middle aged man.

Badgoat1's picture

Once you quit the anavar and tren and do a complete PCT your cholesterol values should normalize. At 300mg per week of test it's either severely underdosed or just totally fake. On 500 mgs I hit about 2500 and others hit higher. Send your results to your source

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Bill1976's picture

Yup I’m around the same at 500 mgs a week

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